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Being Bboy29

deletedalmost 7 years

Hey guys! I see lots of people having their own personal threads and I decided to make one of my own. We'll see how this goes! Note: This is going to be treated as a blog, but I may not update everyday.

Self centered question: Am I (bboy29) a good person or a bad person?
Good person
Bad person
deletedover 6 years
Anyone have any TV shows that other people like that you don't care for. Another one for me is Arrow... ughhh it's so boring :/
deletedover 6 years
Also, am I the only one who just can't get into Black Mirror??? I tried watching the episode with the black guy from "Get Out" (I don't remember the episode title and am too lazy to look it up). Idk... maybe I'll give it another look later...
deletedover 6 years
I've been home for two days cuz of snow days. Stupid North Carolina and their dumb school district rules amirite???
deletedover 6 years
ughhh it's been five days since the last update...
over 6 years

bboy29 says

Do you guys consider yourself to be a sociable person? Why do you think people are so standoffish?

I'm a very quiet person but I enjoy being in the presence of most people once I'm able to create a comfortable relationship with them. I have to actively work toward being more talkative and sociable though as I don't enjoy feeling like I'm the one killing the mood with my awkwardness and quiet demeanor. Being talkative drains me fairly quickly though so I'm better in groups of friends where I can be the quieter extra person but still enjoy the presence of my friends.

As for the other question I really couldn't pinpoint a reason why.
deletedover 6 years
I feel like in my everyday life, I’m a pretty open book. I don’t like keeping secrets. I’m usually ride or die with my relationships; I don’t like deceiving or lying to people unless I really have to (even then, I generally refuse to get myself in that situation in the first place). I’m pretty friendly to new people or others, mainly becaus eyou don’t know what the other person could be going through and you could potentially keep them from harming themselves or worse by being friendly.
deletedover 6 years
I wanna share something that I find pretty interesting. Today, I had to get a phone case for my new iPhone 8+ that I got for Christmas. When I was at Target, I was helped by two people, both very different in personality. One was more quiet and reserved, while the other was extremely outgoing and friendly. It made me think about personalities and people in general. Do you guys consider yourself to be a sociable person? Why do you think people are so standoffish?
deletedover 6 years
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fun and safe NYE. I personally didn’t do anything cuz I’m broke and can’t drive (yet!) so I hope you all had fun.
deletedover 6 years
Lastly, I've started binge-watching two new shows: Runaways and The Gifted. I'm a huge superfan when it comes to Marvel/DC/superheroes in general and those two got me hooked. I need to ween off them cuz school is starting school and I don't wanna get caught up. But, they're so good!!!! If y'all haven't seen them, def check them out!
deletedover 6 years
Today was a pretty average day, but like I have so much stuff to finish it's crazy. On a side note, anyone listen to RHAP?
deletedover 6 years
Also, just want to mention that I'm still taking questions. I don't want this to be an AMA, but if that's something you guys are interested in seeing, LMK.
deletedover 6 years
Hey y'all, it's been a while since I've posted. Hope everyone is having a good Friday because after, TGIF amirite???
deletedover 6 years
Question I want to pose to other people... does anyone else seem like it's becoming increasingly harder to host games. I want to host again but it seems like everyday is booked up. LOL idk maybe it's just me...
deletedover 6 years
Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I hope everyone had a fun Christmas holiday yesterday.
deletedover 6 years
Merry Christmas Eve! I made a gingerbread house today and now am watching a cheesy Christmas movie snacking on caramel popcorn. Life's good :)
over 6 years
Eating pizza
deletedover 6 years
Day before Christmas Eve and my family is out shopping. Gotta get those last minute deals! Lol what are you guys doing today?
deletedover 6 years
Also, I'd like to forget that this even happened. As emely mentioned, we have cleared this up and so, if you want to address this situation with me, PM me or skype me. I don't want to crowd this thread with pettiness anymore. Thank you!
deletedover 6 years

Ally says

there's also a point where ripping into someone either when you're voted out or when you're jurying just makes you look like a bitter b*tch that's incapable of losing and that's a real quick way to lose a ton of respect

I understand this point, but I'm going to ask you to self-evaluate yourself. There has had to be times where or when you felt like retaliating when something ended on a bad note. This game is a high-intensity game involving emotions which includes backstabbing and deceit. I'm sure you can understand that.
deletedover 6 years
boy29 and I have squashed it, he is a good person, i think i understand he likes to cut through some of the dishonesty inherent in the game and give his honest opinion or real truth about what's going on. Which actually is somewhat admirable I think. Maybe there are just right and wrong ways to go about giving the real hard truth you want to put out there? Or limit it so it doesn't become excessive. The only thing that really was tough for me is that unless you were in my shoes you really have no way of knowing what the truth of my game was from my point of view. And if you're out of the game, what's the point of putting forward that opinion, like... if you're still in the game i understand the dishonesty and trying to shape people's perceptions to try and get farther, but why keep doing it when you're out of the game? Like i said, bboy and i cleared the air and it's all good. I had a ton of fun playing, and i can tell this is a really cool fun passionate community about these games. hope i can play again in the future so i can f2 bboy and backstab him and then tell him im actually a power player who made a big move. jk jk...but seriously?
deletedover 6 years
there's also a point where ripping into someone either when you're voted out or when you're jurying just makes you look like a bitter b*tch that's incapable of losing and that's a real quick way to lose a ton of respect
deletedover 6 years

bboy29 says

Ally says

if u say "Just so you know, if you cut me, I'm not going to work with you in the future!" you're literally saying "if you betray me in this one game i will never work with you again" which is meta-ing which is sh*tty don't do that

Not necessarily. "not going to work with you in the future" is not necessarily saying "I'm going to meta you in every other game." I am definitely open to working with this new player in the future, so I would not say it's meta. If it was meta, I would've said I'm not going to work with you in future GAMES, however, I can understand how you could interpret that from what I said.

i mean... if they cut you obviously you won't be working with them... bc u were cut.....

so what other way is there to interpret that
deletedover 6 years
Nonetheless, I want to move past this. The past is in the past! My robbed queen, Ali, had a great quote that goes something like this: "It's in the past. Let's move forward and see how we can work from this." Thank you for the replies, I appreciate it guys!
deletedover 6 years

eat says

To add on to my point, if you strongly feel that someone else should win the game, talk about their strong points instead of tearing other people's games down. The other person worked hard to get to FTC, they should be respected for that.

I did, actually, commend the new player on getting to F2. They did, I did not. I agree that I did tear into their game, but also, it's also kind of hypocritical when I'm sure you and a lot of other people have teared into people's games and not talk about the other person's game in terms of trying to raise them up. Also, I do believe I raised the other person's game by pointing out their strengths and weaknesses.
deletedover 6 years

eat says

You have to remember that it's just a game. Also, try and remember that although it might feel fun to tear into someone's game at FTC, it honestly just isn't worth it. I know from experience (when I did it in an ORG and I wholly regret it), and after an experience a few months later, I know what its like to be in a FTC where you don't feel like you have much of a chance and people still tell you over and over how bad your game was. They spent a lot of time on the game, and they're very likely very proud of what they've accomplished, even if they KNOW they're not winning. Just my 2 cents.

I definitely do know that it is just a game. I admit that I did go overboard with trying to ruin emely's chances of potentially winning the game, and I appreciate the example you shared with your ORG experience. At the same point, I feel like whenever I try to be honest and tell my honest opinions, people automatically think I'm taking the game too serious. No, I'm not! There's been countless other people in this lobby who have been far more rude than me and have even gone more overblown in their responses to finalists. (1/3)