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Being Bboy29

deletedalmost 7 years

Hey guys! I see lots of people having their own personal threads and I decided to make one of my own. We'll see how this goes! Note: This is going to be treated as a blog, but I may not update everyday.

Self centered question: Am I (bboy29) a good person or a bad person?
Good person
Bad person
deletedover 6 years
To add on to my point, if you strongly feel that someone else should win the game, talk about their strong points instead of tearing other people's games down. The other person worked hard to get to FTC, they should be respected for that.

Also ignore my point about the "wont work with you", I saw you addressed that.
deletedover 6 years
Hi bboy, its me eat. While I understand where you're coming from here, I do think that telling people "if you cut me, I won't work with you in the future" is really counter-intuitive to cultivating close relationships and solid allies in the future. I know you're not like him at all, cause I've talked to you a few times, but it honestly just reminds me of BenKenobi's antics "if anyone votes me out i wont work with them again".

You have to remember that it's just a game. Also, try and remember that although it might feel fun to tear into someone's game at FTC, it honestly just isn't worth it. I know from experience (when I did it in an ORG and I wholly regret it), and after an experience a few months later, I know what its like to be in a FTC where you don't feel like you have much of a chance and people still tell you over and over how bad your game was. They spent a lot of time on the game, and they're very likely very proud of what they've accomplished, even if they KNOW they're not winning. Just my 2 cents.
deletedover 6 years

Ally says

if u say "Just so you know, if you cut me, I'm not going to work with you in the future!" you're literally saying "if you betray me in this one game i will never work with you again" which is meta-ing which is sh*tty don't do that

Not necessarily. "not going to work with you in the future" is not necessarily saying "I'm going to meta you in every other game." I am definitely open to working with this new player in the future, so I would not say it's meta. If it was meta, I would've said I'm not going to work with you in future GAMES, however, I can understand how you could interpret that from what I said.
deletedover 6 years

bryce1997 says

bboy29 says

I said to this new player, "Just so you know, if you cut me, I'm not going to work with you in the future!"

Do you mean like in future games too? I'd feel like that's a threat too tbh

Okay, just to clarify so people don't get the wrong idea. I meant that I was not going to work with said new player in the future, referring to the future in the game. If you know me, you know that I HATE meta and wouldn't want one game's actions to determine the next game.

Also, I completely understand how that could be interpreted as a threat, but from my end, I was not trying to threaten the new player. I simply wanted them to know that if they did double-cross me, I would not work with them for the rest of the game as I value honesty and loyalty a lot in EM games and wouldn't work with someone who just betrayed me in the last vote.
over 6 years
"Just so you know, if you cut me, I'm not going to work with you in the future!"

Thank god there are people who don't use this philosophy....
deletedover 6 years
if u say "Just so you know, if you cut me, I'm not going to work with you in the future!" you're literally saying "if you betray me in this one game i will never work with you again" which is meta-ing which is sh*tty don't do that
deletedover 6 years
I did feel threatened, and in the chat I whispered to you "if you want to work with me, be kind to me, don't threaten me" which you then started another one of your rants and told me "i'm just being honest" I couldn't keep up with your rants in my whispers and in the game and made comments to you a few times that "it's just a game" but you then proceed to make fun of me and tell everyone that i'm a huge goat. Then after getting voted out you used your advantage to do a face off with me hoping to eliminate me. So when I won that against you I did make the comment that "even a goat can beat an *" looking back on it I shouldn't have said that, I had just felt attacked. I apologize for calling you that. I don't think you are an *. I was very frustrated because around f9 i realized nobody wanted to include me in anything and I did everything I could to make it to the end, only to have you at FTC keep ranting about how horrible I did at playing the game. I was never in control, never had power, and was shut out of all decision making so I get why you thought that. I decided to play the middle and cause trouble with both sides. I purposefully acted goat-like at times while sticking right in the middle and most often was the deciding vote of who to vote off. Including your vote. I played the best game I could considering nobody wanted to bring me into real conversations about the game. I just had to do my best with the situation I was in. I'm telling you this is that it really hurts when you are playing your heart out for over 4-5 hours and then someone disrespects you during the game and at the final tribal, and tries to make it seem to everyone else that i was such a s***y player. I really hope we can move past this and that you would work with me in the future. Perhaps we can chat sometime and figure out a better way to communicate with each other. I'm sorry for the times I did overreact and for calling you an . I hope you can accept my apology.
over 6 years

bboy29 says

I said to this new player, "Just so you know, if you cut me, I'm not going to work with you in the future!"

Do you mean like in future games too? I'd feel like that's a threat too tbh
over 6 years
bboy is so sweet
deletedover 6 years
Comment below! Do you think I was in the wrong? Or was this new player out of line? I like discussion :)
deletedover 6 years
I guess my main thing is that I don't like how thin-skinned some people on here are. I'm going to cut this new player slack as they are new and don't know me, but I feel as though some people can get a little bit over-emotional. Idk that's just me....
deletedover 6 years
Additionally, this person calls me an a-hole cuz I called them a goat. LMAO. I'm so done with EM sometimes.
deletedover 6 years
None of you know me very well, but few of you know me enough to know that I'm not at all a mean person, in fact, I believe I'm a very considerate and caring person. However, I do like to have my fun when I can and called the new player out on their schemes. It's annoying to me when people make false accusations. I feel as though when people do that, they only make themselves out to be a bad person.
deletedover 6 years
Cut to when I'm voted out at F5, this person proceeds to act all cocky and I go on my usual "bboy29 tirade" where I rip into everyone and give everyone my honest thoughts of them. This new player got so offended that they started to call me a mean person, a bad person, how I had threatened them, how I'm taking this game too seriously, etc.
deletedover 6 years
This new player then proceeds to complain about how I'm "threatening" them and stuff like that. Like, come on! Seriously??? It makes me a little mad when people throw around words like that.

That kind of stuff can give you a bad reputation, esp on EM, a social networking site of sorts.

I found it to be quite odd, and they even addressed this in whispers. I told them straight up, that I was not "threatening" them as they had claimed. I felt like the situation was resolved, as they never replied to me from now then on about it.
deletedover 6 years
This new player was relatively new to the lobby. Usually, I like to cut new players some slack. I said to this new player, "Just so you know, if you cut me, I'm not going to work with you in the future!" as the new player had been acting quite fishy and I did not know where they stood at the time as I was somewhat working with them. I felt as though I was being brutally honest with that person, but I was not threatening with anything.
deletedover 6 years
I really like new players. I remember when I was a new player. It feels like yesterday almost lol. A couple hours ago at the time of this post, I played an EM game with a new player. I'm not going to call them out, they will remain anonymous. But something that they did that really bugged me.
deletedover 6 years
If you are unfamiliar with these, let me explain how they work. Basically, I just rant about my life. I'm going to use this thread as a diary to keep about my EM life cuz wth not. LOL!
deletedover 6 years
Hey guys! Time for a bboy29 rant!
deletedover 6 years

bboy29 says

karthikbk says

Why did you chose the name "bboy" ? favorite color? favorite Survivor/BB player, both within this lobby and out?

My first name begins with a B and I am a boy. bboy... simple :) LOL

I realize that I never truly finished replying to your questions so I'll do that now. Sorry karth!

My favorite color is turquoise/light blue. Some say it's girlish but idk I just like it I guess.

Favorite Survivor player would have to be Cirie Fields. She's just a social goddess that was robbed 4 times!!!

Favorite BB player would have to be Danielle Reyes. Like Cirie, she was supes robbed. Wow, I guess I have a thing for black strategic women in games. Go figure! :)

Idrk if I have a favorite player in this lobby tbh. I wrote that as a sample question, but I don't have anybody that I really admire. That's cuz every1 is gr8! :)
over 6 years
over 6 years
Get a bowl instead!
deletedover 6 years
You guys don't understand how pissed I am rn asdfghjkl
deletedover 6 years
I friggin go to Moe's tonight for a nice, relaxing treat to myself for getting a 100 on my Spanish quiz. Then fsr, all of a sudden, they run out of tortillas. LJALJG;ALJGALJGLAJGALJGLAJSG
deletedover 6 years