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N1 Vig in Reverse Maf is optimal.

deletedalmost 7 years

There is an EXTREMELY popular opinion that n1 vig is a noob/idiotic move.

Firstly, this is based on the actual truth that all noobs are going to n1 as vig and that (due to this popular peer pressured opinion) most experienced players will kill no one n1 as vig. The issue is that just because all noobs would do it and most experienced players wouldn't doesn't, in itself, prove that the majority who no-kill are in the right.

I will now prove why the minority of experienced players who do n1 as vig are not idiotic gamblers but wise gamblers: There are 10 players overall. 6 of them are ones you want to kill n1 (traitors+fool). Note that it is actually a 66.67% shot you are taking and not a 60% shot because you know you yourself are not one of the 6 and therefore it'a a 6/9 shot in the dark and not a 6/10).

The argument that you can n1 stalker and unrank the game (which is a 11.11% chance) or that you can kill the masoned player and/or the same as stalker both which hurt town is just not how you should analyse a gamble. You don't think "oh no this can go wrong so therefore it's unwise" you should think which is more likely; it going right or wrong and use this combined with the extent of profit in deciding to go for it or not. In reality killing off a mason isn't too bad n1 unless the stalker kills the other one too. The only person you could kill n1 who really will impact your chances of winning negatively by a huge percentage is the tracker as you now have heavily nerfed the information with which the masons can operate AROUND the possibility of masoning the stalker.

So, in reality, the stalker and the tracker are the only game-hampering kills you could make n1 and since you can still win easily-enough with tracker dead (especially with the skill level of most reverse maf players being hella low) you are only really needing to fear killing the stalker n1 or the same as the stalker kills which all in all is a 22.22% chance of failure in your shot.

So, taking ALL ANGLES of thinking into your frame of mind, n1ing as the vig is pretty much either helping you or not mattering too much 77.88% of the time.

deletedover 5 years

lacey says

unknowngangster when he thinks he can monitor my halls:

unknowngangster when he finds out i'm a lesbian:

UnknownGangster says

You can be a very good human being and lesbian all at once.

You choose to be a vile one and laugh along with other more aggressive vile ones. This is why I hate you, not because you are lesbian.

i'm so glad i found this again
deletedalmost 7 years
all because he wanted to encourage vig to shoot n1
almost 7 years
Lobby banned user UnknownGangster from lobby Main!
No reasons yet.
char • 1 minute
You forced a logout for user 699017.
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char • 1 minute
You forced a logout for user 699017.
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char • 1 minute
You suspended all the accounts linked to user 699017!
No reasons yet.
char • 1 minute

See ya dude.
deletedalmost 7 years
He’s already banned we don’t need Nathan he’s a donkey
almost 7 years
Alright, mods are forum banning the guy and sending the report I put with all the threats to head Admin so he can forward them to EM's service provider and link them to authorities. Guy is getting forum banned for the night then permabanned once admin is online. It's over guys, the dude is actually going to prison.
deletedalmost 7 years

lacey says

unknowngangster when he thinks he can monitor my halls:

unknowngangster when he finds out i'm a lesbian:

UnknownGangster says

You can be a very good human being and lesbian all at once.

You choose to be a vile one and laugh along with other more aggressive vile ones. This is why I hate you, not because you are lesbian.

deletedalmost 7 years
i wish i believed in anything the way vial believes this is all an elaborate ruse
deletedalmost 7 years

vial says

this is the greatest reverse troll i have ever seen

Hm, do you really think he is "reverse trolling" death threats that actual people have gone to actual prison for? I don't.
almost 7 years

UnknownGangster says

Recidivism says

UnknownGangster says

Okay, but you'll have to do it from inside a mental institution because he has now read the entire thread and thanked me profusely for alerting him about the national security threat you pose. He expects you'll be locked away for a very long time, so no need to worry Jeff and Lacey, our brave FBI agents are going to take this dangerous psychotic off the streets.

You are lying because I am not the threat you make me out to be. I am going to prove you wrong in due course and make you pay for what you have done.

It doesn't matter if you are a threat. You are a potential threat, and potential threats to national security need to be held in isolation away from the normal population.

No, but a psychopathic bully like you surely does.
almost 7 years
this is the greatest reverse troll i have ever seen
almost 7 years

Recidivism says

Jeff says

UnknownGangster says

Jeff says

Would you shoot at a school where people who are Recidivism or Jeff are in it?

Who else is present?

This is legitimately enough to get this guy put in prison I am 100% serious.

Without a doubt, he'll be locked up by tomorrow morning. Sad that he couldn't accept empathy and had to make death threats, now his future is ruined forever and he'll never have a good job or a nice car.

Where is your proof? For what reason am I a national security threat? I have not threatened national security.
deletedalmost 7 years
Haven't you read the patriot act? You're lucky you're not going to Guantanamo, pal.
deletedalmost 7 years

Recidivism says

UnknownGangster says

Okay, but you'll have to do it from inside a mental institution because he has now read the entire thread and thanked me profusely for alerting him about the national security threat you pose. He expects you'll be locked away for a very long time, so no need to worry Jeff and Lacey, our brave FBI agents are going to take this dangerous psychotic off the streets.

You are lying because I am not the threat you make me out to be. I am going to prove you wrong in due course and make you pay for what you have done.

It doesn't matter if you are a threat. You are a potential threat, and potential threats to national security need to be held in isolation away from the normal population.
deletedalmost 7 years

Jeff says

UnknownGangster says

Jeff says

Would you shoot at a school where people who are Recidivism or Jeff are in it?

Who else is present?

This is legitimately enough to get this guy put in prison I am 100% serious.

Without a doubt, he'll be locked up by tomorrow morning. Sad that he couldn't accept empathy and had to make death threats, now his future is ruined forever and he'll never have a good job or a nice car.
almost 7 years

Jeff says

UnknownGangster says

Jeff says

Would you shoot at a school where people who are Recidivism or Jeff are in it?

Who else is present?

This is legitimately enough to get this guy put in prison I am 100% serious.

Go ahead, put me in prison I dare you to do it.

You will fail and I will laugh at you as you do.
deletedalmost 7 years
unknowngangster when he thinks he can monitor my halls:

unknowngangster when he finds out i'm a lesbian:

UnknownGangster says

You can be a very good human being and lesbian all at once.

You choose to be a vile one and laugh along with other more aggressive vile ones. This is why I hate you, not because you are lesbian.

almost 7 years

UnknownGangster says

Okay, but you'll have to do it from inside a mental institution because he has now read the entire thread and thanked me profusely for alerting him about the national security threat you pose. He expects you'll be locked away for a very long time, so no need to worry Jeff and Lacey, our brave FBI agents are going to take this dangerous psychotic off the streets.

You are lying because I am not the threat you make me out to be. I am going to prove you wrong in due course and make you pay for what you have done.
almost 7 years

UnknownGangster says

Jeff says

Would you shoot at a school where people who are Recidivism or Jeff are in it?

Who else is present?

This is legitimately enough to get this guy put in prison I am 100% serious.
almost 7 years
Em threads never go off topic.
deletedalmost 7 years
"all i did was talk about dïck for 20 pages" -socrates
almost 7 years

Jeff says

Honestly, idk what the FU'CK you think I said in this thread that was psychopathic because all I did was talk about di'ck for 20 pages.

what you laughed at and joined in doing is indicative of your true nature.
deletedalmost 7 years

UnknownGangster says

Recidivism says

UnknownGangster says

Recidivism says

UnknownGangster says

Recidivism says

UnknownGangster says

Recidivism says

Alright well I'm going to go ahead and send this to the FBI, I guess you can expect to be locked up in a week or so

Go right ahead. Please seriously do. When they read it they will see how you derailed and bullied me without any provocation and how I deserved none of what you have done here.

Do you think the FBI is more concerned about a derailed epicmafia thread or the lunatic who says he is going to eternally torture users with his magic powers and alien friends?

What I have done is say something that is not even considered possible to the FBI.

What you have done is concrete.

The FBI is very concerned with stopping mass shooters, who often make insane threats like these on the internet before they commit mass shootings. They'll definitely be VERY interested in you from this point forward :)

I would not shoot people who have done nothing to me. I have not implied I would in this entire thread.

Agent Ramirez seems to think what you've said here is VERY wrong, and he wants to see you immediately. So maybe you're wrong, and what you did here was illegal

He is wrong and I will happily talk to him about the law and application of it and explain how the only one who has displayed psychopathic behavior here is you and Jeff.

Okay, but you'll have to do it from inside a mental institution because he has now read the entire thread and thanked me profusely for alerting him about the national security threat you pose. He expects you'll be locked away for a very long time, so no need to worry Jeff and Lacey, our brave FBI agents are going to take this dangerous psychotic off the streets.
almost 7 years
i'm pretty sure all the fbi would say to me is that i'm one gay a'ss motherfu'cker
almost 7 years

Recidivism says

UnknownGangster says

Recidivism says

You think I'm joking but I have Agent Ramirez on the phone right now and he is indeed VERY interested in you UnknownGangster, he says he is going to look up your IP address now and send two agents down to speak with you first thing in the morning.

Okay, I will be happy to speak to them.

I'm glad you're glad. He thinks you could be a national security threat and should be held in an institution for observation no matter what you have to say. Enjoy! Hope you are happy with your decisions tonight!

there is what he thinks and then there is what he can make happen.
almost 7 years
Honestly, idk what the FU'CK you think I said in this thread that was psychopathic because all I did was talk about di'ck for 20 pages.