almost 7 years

Who else loves X? Can you wait for ? Did you love 17? Discuss here.

Best album/mixtape/ep by X?
? (so far or when it comes out)
Heartbreak Hotel
The Fall
Ice Hotel
over 6 years
wanna clarify that a successful young black artist being shot is not something i would ever celebrate, and i am not celebrating x's death.

i've been trying to really thoroughly educate myself on his life, childhood, the events of abuse that took place, and what he did in the aftermath because although my original post was pretty partisan i don't want to make it seem like i'm not open to respectful discussion about this.

that being said: violence was a part of his life from a very young age, and clearly became normalized for him in his household when he was as young as 6. so, that might *explain* why he was such a violent person, but it does not excuse his actions.

that's a distinction that really needs to be made in this situation. you cannot see the abuse allegations and simply say 'he had a bad childhood,' because as many people have already articulated, that does not mean you will automatically beat women. he made that choice on his own, regardless of his past.
over 6 years

Devante says

ivana says

What he did was messed up. But he should have had a chance to rectify that and become a better person. Would he have done so if he lived, not sure. But he didn't, and he's dead. I know at 20 years old I was still pretty toxic. I'm not saying he wasn't capable of changing but doing those things with the excuse of a rough childhood is not valid or acceptable. That's my point lol

I was replying to brutal not you .

I am actually entirely in agreement with u.

I don’t care that he’s dead because I don’t have any personal connection to him, however i don’t like that he’s being vilified for that when it is clear he has shown he was attempting to change for the better

Oh yeah I figured you were agreeing. I just felt the need to say it again. It's flying above other's heads. A bad childhood is not an excuse to be a crappy person, period. He did however, deserve more time to rectify that and become a better person and see that life has better people and things to offer. All around, just so sad.
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years

Blister says

happy to see lacey and flygon finally bury the hatchet over the mutual celebration of death

well i laughed at blister time to go get a root canal
over 6 years
ahh nvm I read the opposite my bad
deletedover 6 years

kev says

mega talented

deletedover 6 years
why tf did i write so much - no 20 yo kid deserves to die so young without getting a chance to rectify themselves (includes being punished justly by the law, going to jail, w/e)

him being mega talented just adds to how tragic this is
over 6 years
I also agree that you should be a little bit more lenient to someone trying to change for the better

Doing so helps to deter others from changing

I'm a strong believer in rehabilitation in the right circumstances
deletedover 6 years
This thread is a mess already but my thoughts -

I don't think anyone can deny that X did some awful things ( ) but despite all of that I can't agree with anyone that is happy about him being dead or says that they're glad this happened.

Dude was 20, he was a kid. A messed up kid with some serious mental issues and a history of violent crime but yea, a kid. I'm not even going to bring up his upbringing or whatever since I think that's been brought up a bunch already in this thread, instead I want to talk about the fact that he was awaiting trial for a lot of these crimes he committed. He was going to be tried and punished for these things that he did. He also recently had been making attempts at trying to be a better person, so who knows what that would have led to in the coming years.

What I see here is the death of a messed up, talented kid who was almost certainly going to be punished for his crimes. Him being dead doesn't fix anything he did before, it doesn't bring any closure to his victims. This is sad regardless, I would have much rather he lived to see his punishments and had gotten a chance to turn his life around.

I kinda hopped around but I think I said everything I wanted to say. To give a little bit more context as to why he was so famous/popular, he's probably the most (or one of the most) successful artist to come from the SoundCloud scene, had a #2 debut record and #1 sophomore album. pretty notable
deletedover 6 years

Devante says

brutal says

Devante says

These two quotes happened minutes apart, in this very death, by someone with clear mental disability and a shocking lack of empathy

not gonna have empathy for him after what he did but lol didn't you already get a vio for mocking my "clear mental disability"? you never learn do you?

Your personal problems are no longer excuses for your actions

what's your excuse for repeatedly mocking someone's disability dude?

Zhuorb says

brutal says

tons of people had bad childhoods without trying to beat someone to death. the fact that anyone can read what he did and continue on with the "he was young lol" "he changed!!" "he had a bad childhood" sh/it is gross and you should be ashamed

I don't remember who but you should argue with the user that said "not everyone who has depression kills themselves" lol

which is true
over 6 years

ivana says

What he did was messed up. But he should have had a chance to rectify that and become a better person. Would he have done so if he lived, not sure. But he didn't, and he's dead. I know at 20 years old I was still pretty toxic. I'm not saying he wasn't capable of changing but doing those things with the excuse of a rough childhood is not valid or acceptable. That's my point lol

I was replying to brutal not you .

I am actually entirely in agreement with u.

I don’t care that he’s dead because I don’t have any personal connection to him, however i don’t like that he’s being vilified for that when it is clear he has shown he was attempting to change for the better
over 6 years

brutal says

tons of people had bad childhoods without trying to beat someone to death. the fact that anyone can read what he did and continue on with the "he was young lol" "he changed!!" "he had a bad childhood" sh/it is gross and you should be ashamed

I don't remember who but you should argue with the user that said "not everyone who has depression kills themselves" lol
over 6 years
What he did was messed up. But he should have had a chance to rectify that and become a better person. Would he have done so if he lived, not sure. But he didn't, and he's dead. I know at 20 years old I was still pretty toxic. I'm not saying he wasn't capable of changing but doing those things with the excuse of a rough childhood is not valid or acceptable. That's my point lol
over 6 years
Difference is he had a poor childhood, claimed to have depression and actually showed he was attempting to change

You have shown no intention of changing
over 6 years

brutal says

Devante says

These two quotes happened minutes apart, in this very death, by someone with clear mental disability and a shocking lack of empathy

not gonna have empathy for him after what he did but lol didn't you already get a vio for mocking my "clear mental disability"? you never learn do you?

Your personal problems are no longer excuses for your actions
over 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

MisterPresident says

I probably could have even predicted his death if someone asked me if he would live or die (I would have guessed by an OD though)

ur the yin to my yang because i haev the super power of predicting the deaths of country folk singers

Ik there’s ting yang twins, is there ying yang triplets ? I want to join
over 6 years
Had he died of an OD I wouldn’t care since that would have been of his own accord (similarly to why I’m empathetic but not saddened by suicide), however the fact that someone else took his life is why I actually have any real feelings towards this
over 6 years

MisterPresident says

I probably could have even predicted his death if someone asked me if he would live or die (I would have guessed by an OD though)

ur the yin to my yang because i haev the super power of predicting the deaths of country folk singers
over 6 years

MisterPresident says

I probably could have even predicted his death if someone asked me if he would live or die (I would have guessed by an OD though)

Me 3 months 18 days ago

Devante says

I can wait for him to OD

over 6 years
I probably could have even predicted his death if someone asked me if he would live or die (I would have guessed by an OD though)
over 6 years
I mean I also don't even think his death is as newsworthy as it has been considering he was killed by the lifestyle he glorified in his own raps
over 6 years
Yeah ur right and he actually made her blind in one eye he beat her so bad
deletedover 6 years
beating someone so viciously for so long and then locking them up for 2 days so no one finds out is also pretty extreme ^-^
deletedover 6 years

MisterPresident says

Brutal you might have better success rates arguing if you stopped making fun of people every time you made a post

People who argue like you are the reason there is such a divide with every issue

interesting theory but pass
deletedover 6 years
i personally think it's p extreme to say that someone that did something like that at the age of 17 is going to be a monster for the rest of their life and that they deserve to die