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Forum Mafia I - Tarot Mafia

deletedover 6 years

Rules -

Setup Notes:

  • 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.

  • This setup is role madness; everyone will be a power role.

  • This game will be for 13 players; 10 will be town and 3 will be mafia.

  • I will be using Natural Action Resolution.

  • Day start duh

Any other questions please comment below.... Or if you are interested

I fugged up and forgot to add game mode

Spadez0 has replaced carmen give her a warm welcome

Arachnid replaced elfen, welcome arachnid :)

Lets give Pinks (replacing Htennis) a warm welcome



Page 19 - Day 1 Ends - No one was lynched

Page 19 - Day 2 Begins - No one has been killed

Page 71 - Day 2 Ends - Happeh was Lynched

Page 71 - Day 3 Begins - TownOfSalemRox has been killed

Page 79 - Day 3 Ends - Denial was Lynched

Page 79 - Day 4 Begins - IChaotic was killed

Page 98 - Day 4 Ends - No one was lynched

Page 98 - Day 5 Begins - Ghost13 was killed

Page 99 - Day 5 Ends - Arrogate was Lynched

Page 99 - Day 6 Begins - Lesbian Pirate was Killed

Page 107 - Day 6 ends - No one was lynched

Page 107 - Day 5 begins - Arachnid has fallen

Page 11 - Town Loses - they were in autoloss and knew they were in autoloss

over 6 years
I'm cool with not lynching Happeh today, like they're a vig.. why would maf have vig? and happeh was the one with double votes too right?
over 6 years

mw295 says

Reads from most town to least town:

LP is my TR, gonna ride or die on this
Denial/shady are both hard town
iChaotic is still quite towny, although not as much as the ones above.

I'm kinda struggling to get reads on Ghost, Arrogate, Goodfrog

I still mechanically think htennis/happeh is the optimal lynch here. Besides what i c/p'ed above, I haven't seen anything that lets me TR either of them (and that alone still hasn't convinced me not to SR happeh).

LP hasn't said much of anything towny how the heck are they your ride or die? yeah you are one of the ones I have no read on cause you dont talk, yet you already have 2 hard trs and a ride or die??
over 6 years

mw295 says

It took me forever to catch up but I've read all the stuff now. Denial is hard town, I honestly think we should lynch between htennis and happeh today, I really do think we have at least one maf there - I was leaning happeh until the this:

Happeh51m 52s
i am justice, i am townsided - is this it?if not i’ll look when on pc (still not home - i dont usually get the chance to check my phone at work)

i kinda paraphrased it, hope this isnt breaking any rules

Happeh50m 25s
doesnt rly seem like a tarot tho

What makes denial hard town? he's talked a lot sure, but maf could tryhard like that?
over 6 years
mw have you tried filtering the posts from happeh and then htennis?
over 6 years
Reads from most town to least town:

LP is my TR, gonna ride or die on this
Denial/shady are both hard town
iChaotic is still quite towny, although not as much as the ones above.

I'm kinda struggling to get reads on Ghost, Arrogate, Goodfrog

I still mechanically think htennis/happeh is the optimal lynch here. Besides what i c/p'ed above, I haven't seen anything that lets me TR either of them (and that alone still hasn't convinced me not to SR happeh).
over 6 years
friendly reminder that my vision of happeh being more quality than htennis has come to fruition
over 6 years
Good point goodfrog. I'll try to slow down on my posting a bit, or at least limit the quotes I use, I will still comment when I have something to say.

edit: reiterate question to denial and anyone using anon forum setting, will you turn it off for this game?
over 6 years

mw295 says

Arrogate says

based on what happened with votes yesterday at least 1 of happeh/htennis is town if not both probably, I mean we all just kinda voted one of them, so chances of both being town is high, and I can guarentee you I'm not maf yall will probably see tomorrow or the day after

Based on the votes, I think if they were both town mafia would've been able to get one of them lynched. I think it's more likely that at least one of them is mafia.

I was thinking the same about Arrogate's comment there. Don't know where that read came from.
over 6 years
i agree. if i continue to post here i want it to be beneficial or transparent. i'm not interested in bumping the thread to get to 50 pages, and i dont think spectators are either.
over 6 years
It took me forever to catch up but I've read all the stuff now. Denial is hard town, I honestly think we should lynch between htennis and happeh today, I really do think we have at least one maf there - I was leaning happeh until the this:

Happeh51m 52s
i am justice, i am townsided - is this it?if not i’ll look when on pc (still not home - i dont usually get the chance to check my phone at work)

i kinda paraphrased it, hope this isnt breaking any rules

Happeh50m 25s
doesnt rly seem like a tarot tho
over 6 years

Arrogate says

shady says

I just find it hard to believe that 3/3 mafia is in goodfrog/arrogate/htennis/happeh so I am having trouble with your artificial limitations

based on what happened with votes yesterday at least 1 of happeh/htennis is town if not both probably, I mean we all just kinda voted one of them, so chances of both being town is high, and I can guarentee you I'm not maf yall will probably see tomorrow or the day after

Based on the votes, I think if they were both town mafia would've been able to get one of them lynched. I think it's more likely that at least one of them is mafia.
over 6 years
has htennis even talked today? see this 50 page thing is kinda dumb, the same people are gonna keep talking, I dont have reads on half the people here
over 6 years
why anyone thinks htennis is town at this point is beyond me
over 6 years

Ghost13 says

i don't really get making reads just based on votes here.. mafia could vote another mafia and then say they wouldn't have bussed, or town could be voting town because of bad reads

In a way I guess the first votes say something, I mean a maf wouldn't bus day 1, like that'd be stupid
over 6 years

shady says

I just find it hard to believe that 3/3 mafia is in goodfrog/arrogate/htennis/happeh so I am having trouble with your artificial limitations

based on what happened with votes yesterday at least 1 of happeh/htennis is town if not both probably, I mean we all just kinda voted one of them, so chances of both being town is high, and I can guarentee you I'm not maf yall will probably see tomorrow or the day after
over 6 years
Justice is the tarot I would associate your power roles to align with, meaning our power roles associate with our tarots very likely since I can see how mine fits.

Ghodt13 may be the hermit based on that as well

Tarot card shouldn't match with alignment, aka devil/death dont necessarily mean mafia
over 6 years
that sounds town to me
deletedover 6 years
doesnt rly seem like a tarot tho
deletedover 6 years
i am justice, i am townsided - is this it?if not i’ll look when on pc (still not home - i dont usually get the chance to check my phone at work)

i kinda paraphrased it, hope this isnt breaking any rules
over 6 years

denial says

Yes, I'm anon on viewing profiles and forums

would you be against turning anon off for the duration of this game, for full disclosure of when you are here around hammers?
over 6 years
Yes, I'm anon on viewing profiles and forums
over 6 years

denial says

Htennis, 2 hours until the day is over. If you want to claim in an attempt to save yourself, the time is now.

Probably never gonna give this read up and she will probably never give hers up, but happeh needs to go

Htennis content has been bad end he's done something she specifically said she was confused about (that people thinking the afks are mafia) yet he got deposited into the sea of 'ehhh' reads.

Posting amid rereading is terrible on mobile so feel free to correct me if I got a little tidbit wrong

He was getting lynched at this point. This is before goodfrog even voted. You can see my post right after it on page 16 after goodfrog voted as well, it doesn't take a genius to figure htennis is getting lynched when votes are on him and he doesn't really care enough to get them off
over 6 years
denial do you have your settings adjusted to not show when you are viewing the forums?

edited for clarity
over 6 years
Because nobody was on board with lynching happeh and it was a burst of votes st the end?

Htennis was the lynch. You can filter me and read my post where you can see my opinion on him being the lynch and that it probably wont change

I even asked him to claim at -2 hours to lynch
over 6 years
from voting log 1.08

5 for htennis: shady, iChaotic, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox
4 for happeh: MW, LesbianPirate, Denial, htennis

***goodfrog votes htennis

6 for htennis: shady, iChaotic, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox, goodfrog
4 for happeh: MW, LesbianPirate, Denial, htennis

htennis hammer-capable: Denial, MW, LP, Elfen, Ghost13, Happeh [would not reveal her power]

***Elfen votes Happeh

6 for htennis: shady, iChaotic, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox, goodfrog
5 for happeh: MW, LesbianPirate, Denial, htennis, Elfen

htennis hammer-capable: Denial, MW, LP, Elfen, Ghost13, Happeh [would not reveal her power]

***iChaotic flips to Happeh

5 for htennis: shady, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox, goodfrog
6 for happeh: MW, LesbianPirate, Denial, htennis, Elfen, iChaotic

happeh hammer-capable: shady, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox, goodfrog, Ghost13

***iChaotic unvotes happeh

***iChaotic votes happeh

***iChaotic votes htennis

6 for htennis: shady, iChaotic, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox, goodfrog
5 for happeh: MW, LesbianPirate, Denial, htennis, Elfen

htennis hammer-capable: Denial, MW, LP, Elfen, Ghost13, Happeh [would not reveal her power]

***iChaotic votes happeh

5 for htennis: shady, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox, goodfrog
6 for happeh: MW, LesbianPirate, Denial, htennis, Elfen, iChaotic

happeh hammer-capable: shady, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox, goodfrog, Ghost13

denial decides not to vote htennis even after saying he would and let iChaotic hammer-capable

***iChaotic votes htennis

6 for htennis: shady, iChaotic, Carmen, Arrogate, TownOfSalemRox, goodfrog
5 for happeh: MW, LesbianPirate, Denial, htennis, Elfen

htennis hammer-capable: Denial, MW, LP, Elfen, Ghost13, Happeh [would not reveal her power]