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Forum Mafia I - Tarot Mafia

deletedover 6 years

Rules -

Setup Notes:

  • 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.

  • This setup is role madness; everyone will be a power role.

  • This game will be for 13 players; 10 will be town and 3 will be mafia.

  • I will be using Natural Action Resolution.

  • Day start duh

Any other questions please comment below.... Or if you are interested

I fugged up and forgot to add game mode

Spadez0 has replaced carmen give her a warm welcome

Arachnid replaced elfen, welcome arachnid :)

Lets give Pinks (replacing Htennis) a warm welcome



Page 19 - Day 1 Ends - No one was lynched

Page 19 - Day 2 Begins - No one has been killed

Page 71 - Day 2 Ends - Happeh was Lynched

Page 71 - Day 3 Begins - TownOfSalemRox has been killed

Page 79 - Day 3 Ends - Denial was Lynched

Page 79 - Day 4 Begins - IChaotic was killed

Page 98 - Day 4 Ends - No one was lynched

Page 98 - Day 5 Begins - Ghost13 was killed

Page 99 - Day 5 Ends - Arrogate was Lynched

Page 99 - Day 6 Begins - Lesbian Pirate was Killed

Page 107 - Day 6 ends - No one was lynched

Page 107 - Day 5 begins - Arachnid has fallen

Page 11 - Town Loses - they were in autoloss and knew they were in autoloss

over 6 years
happeh - i think my read on her is apparent. her today is better, but her role to take a ml off of town as maf is a really big swing and I don't think I can ignore mechanics for this player

this is VERY dangerous to leave alive past today
over 6 years
i can't really be sure on htennis' alignment because of how he chose to participate/react, but when i was originally going through how teams couldve placed on day 1 with happeh as scum, a scum vs scum hammer was ONE of the thoughts going through my head (because a lot of the other potential teams didn't sit particularly comfortable with me)

no mechs involved, and not even townofsalemrox's claim

carmen is probably gonna sit up top as town with me followed by id say lesbianpirate, carmen generally looks involved with trying to find/lynch mafia and lesbianpirate just had some lines i didn't really see a mafia pulling off after i just got done telling carmen to stop trolling

townofsalem/ghost13 were both people that had some weirder lines, with ghost13 looking more like town to me between the two. (ill add that i think the two are town based on mechs, btw)

looking past ichaotics flounder of today, i believe he looked like town based on end of day voting

mw/elfen are another two that kind of fall into the same category of just being nonexistent except for a drop off of reads. i have no strong opinion of the two, other than me thinking elfen is town because of who he chose to vote

goodfrog is one that kinda switches back and forth for me, imo his day start seemed a little off and thats why i initially said he was maf. i can't say for certain but he is definitely one of the people that worked when trying to place happeh into a team and placing members

shady, generally i think you've done your job in acting 'particularly' towny, but you were also one of the players i could see fitting into happehs team, just as a fyi

arrogate seems to be playing in line with what i remember of her playing town like. i think she may have been the one that set off a red flag with her choosing to say lesbian was maf for asking for claims though, and that looked like an attempt to push on somebody
over 6 years
denial lemme hear your non-mechanics based reads on people's words and actions. I want to know where you stand on everyone.
over 6 years
I've learned that it's very hard to get a hard townread at this point. I still want to lynch htennis.

vote htennis
over 6 years

shady says

denial says

Filter function is bugged and you can effectively only see their latest posts, since moving pages is bugged.

I'll lay out a post because it seems it's going over people's heads on the potential of some abilities, but it'll mostly be setup speculation (10 town 3 maf means with nothing funky town would have 3 lunches and be at lylo on 4 town 3 maf). I'll do that when I get into the office, what I wanna check now is whether abilities and tarots had some kind of correlation or not.

@happeh do you mind claiming your tarot since all your roles were revealed anyways? Theres a that comes to mind with your two abilities and I want to see if it's that one or not

I'm going through all my reads rn but really quickly, denial if happeh was mafia wouldn't that mean one less ML since mafia would have an extra kill?

Correct. and this is what I think flew over peoples heads evidenced by a few posts. we lose a ML if shes mafia and is still alive. imo this was likely intended by him for balance and not really an oversight by him

heres the scenario with no funky stuff going on and all kills/lynches going as 'normal' as possible

day 1: 13 alive, 1 lynched, 1 killed

day 2: 11 alive, 1 lynched, 1 killed

day 3, 9 alive, 1 lynched, 2 killed (vig shot)

day 4, 6 alive, mafia win because of having 50% of the village (i've confirmed with birbtales that double voter will not be effective in lylo situations, and them hitting 50% means we lose, if she was town)

remember, if she is mafia we ALWAYS have to outnumber her potential mafia team by more than 1 vote. it means 7 alive with her as mafia is effectively a loss, 3 mafia with an extra vote gives them 4 votes, while town has 4 votes, meaning they can force a NL
over 6 years

shady says

previous quote on reads

I'm gonna go back through these.

htennis: reads haven't changed. Not a single town line.

Carmen: reads haven't changed

denial: as I just mentioned, he has explanations for most of his mechanics-based thoughts, still slightly concerned about his mindset.

Arrogate: pretty much same as before, none of his lines jump out as scum to me, he could participate more.

TownOfSalemRox: none of his lines jumped out as scum to me then, now he is pretty much confirmed role cop.

LesbianPirate: I honestly don't have good reads on Lesbian at all. She came across as towny to me before. She has never really outed reasoning for her foses except happeh a day after and me for starting strong and then not participating as much? I'm not sure about Lesbian.

iChaotic: I mentioned him in detail earlier. But honestly that might have been premature... looking back across all his lines I still get a towny vibe from him. He is scumhunting, he is trying to figure it out, he is trying to act pro-town. He is a little jumpy which can lead to suspicions.

goodfrog: I really don't know. Sometimes I think he is towny, sometimes I think he is scummy. I don't like his hard push on denial and then back off due to one post by denial.

Elfen: Simply not towny, and not participating.

mw295: Actually kinda towny in his couple of posts. Big lack of participation.

Happeh: Now we know she wasn't softing a day action role. I don't find her very towny. She could have hammered htennis there too but didn't, and he was my biggest sr d1. I think her role sounds like town but I am not sure.

Ghost13: I still have mixed signals about him. His miller claim could be fake if there is no alignment cop. He was kind of asking if there was going to be a cc. Now would mafia want a 50/50 cc d1? Not sure. He has been participating it seems.
over 6 years
thanks shady ur so helpful
over 6 years
Also I solved filtering issue:

once you are filtering someone just add parameter to the URL, it's the buttons that are bugged. For example, I am looking at goodfrog and I want to go to page 1:

You add &page={pageNumber}
over 6 years

denial says

Filter function is bugged and you can effectively only see their latest posts, since moving pages is bugged.

I'll lay out a post because it seems it's going over people's heads on the potential of some abilities, but it'll mostly be setup speculation (10 town 3 maf means with nothing funky town would have 3 lunches and be at lylo on 4 town 3 maf). I'll do that when I get into the office, what I wanna check now is whether abilities and tarots had some kind of correlation or not.

@happeh do you mind claiming your tarot since all your roles were revealed anyways? Theres a that comes to mind with your two abilities and I want to see if it's that one or not

I'm going through all my reads rn but really quickly, denial if happeh was mafia wouldn't that mean one less ML since mafia would have an extra kill?
over 6 years
lol did u just slip u said she might be "maf with not the best powers"... how would u know if maf has good abilities or not .-.
over 6 years
Honestly Happeh is either town or maf with not the best powers, like that’s the vibe I’m getting from them, why does everyone want them so bad? like maf getting a vig? if maf has a vig, we have to have some awesome abilities..
over 6 years
do what denial asks happeh DO IT

arrogate i guess u have strong feelings about islam? islam relates greatly to this game
over 6 years
Filter function is bugged and you can effectively only see their latest posts, since moving pages is bugged.

I'll lay out a post because it seems it's going over people's heads on the potential of some abilities, but it'll mostly be setup speculation (10 town 3 maf means with nothing funky town would have 3 lunches and be at lylo on 4 town 3 maf). I'll do that when I get into the office, what I wanna check now is whether abilities and tarots had some kind of correlation or not.

@happeh do you mind claiming your tarot since all your roles were revealed anyways? Theres a that comes to mind with your two abilities and I want to see if it's that one or not
over 6 years

iChaotic says

ok shady how do u feel about islam

how the heck does that relate to this game?
over 6 years
I have problems when filtering as well
over 6 years

TownOfSalemRox says

Arrogate half-assed his push on me, then decided that it was too hard to push me so he gave up and looked for another easy target.

Alright to be clear I didn’t give up cause you were too hard to push on, you said a line I kinda liked, like I’m genuinely thinking you’re not a strong sr, but no one really talked so literally none of us had anything good to go off of, you can’t tell me you exactly knew at least 1 maf yesterday, nor can you even expect anyone to have solid reads yet. I mean all these recent pages it’s the same few people talking too, like denial? walls of text, I don’t even know what to make of them lol

to the person claiming miller, how do you know you’re miller, like were you actually told that? what happened to appears as villager to self?
over 6 years
ok shady how do u feel about islam
over 6 years
can you not change pages once you filter?
over 6 years
@TownOfSalemRox what is your take on Happeh's roles being town-sided vs maf-sided?
over 6 years
So here's the thing about denial.

"denial is dumb town" is an atrocious take. Not sure if you guys aren't reading what he is saying or if you are unable to comprehend or if you are ignoring.

There have been several logical gaps in denial's words and actions (from our point of view). What I have gathered from his responses is that these can largely be filled with outside and prior information that denial has about this type of mafia game. I would love to see a document filled with all of denial's pre-existing knowledge, but unfortunately that is impossible. A noticeable example of this would be denial's unwillingness to hammer, which he has attributed to his pre-existing knowledge of a Vengeful role that lynches the person who hammers them instead.

That being said, I think denial has done a good job of arguing his point of view. I also think that it is a little strange that he doesn't understand why everyone foses him at first. His actions *do not make sense* unless you also possess the knowledge that he does. There could be multiple reasons that he hasn't put himself in the shoes of his accusers at this point in the game, and many of them involve him being town. So I don't necessarily townread him 100%, but he has certainly been townier and participated more than a number of other players in this game, and it would be an absolute travesty to lynch him early and lose his outside knowledge and participation if he is in fact town. That's why I said earlier "i am not interested in lynching denial today at all"
over 6 years

TownOfSalemRox says

I'm crying who just straight up claimed miller

I did, it’s not my only role, it’s just a modifier that if i am lynched or investigated i will show up as mafia - it’s actually kinda anti town if i don’t claim it
over 6 years
unvote shady
over 6 years
over 6 years
I have some thoughts on débil I will express when I get to computer
over 6 years
I mean go ahead and fos me but you’re going to regret it after 23 mofucking pages of towntelling before this lynch Is decided