
Epic Mafia

_ _ ~Hi, I am 25 years young and I am here because I like EpicMafia's strategy
~No I am not famous -yet :) (I wish I already was XD )
~I am an awesome ♫ vocalist ♫ but not in a band at the moment.
~I like: Football (I am a great defender and sometimes a goalkeeper too), Tennis, Computer Games, Golf, Drawing, Skiing, pets (I have an adorable one), Music (I play piano and I d like to learn trumpet), Drama club, Maths (thats what I am studying and I love it), good movies and tv series (like LOST).
~I like everyone on EpicMafia and I try to be nice to them
~Do you want my msn? Just ask me!
~You dont see me on EpicMafia? Possible reasons: I am hanging out with friends, I am practising one of my many hobbies, I am texting, or just having fun during the day (and night) like partying
~In real life I never say lies and I am the most reliable guy in the gang
~I dont give negative karma to people that have less than 2,000 points since they cant give negative karma back...
~I dont like to be voted for no reason- I GET MAD!
~I am always answering, if I am silenced I ll flash my vote... furthermore you may ask me qestions that I ll try to reply by flashing... Also if I dont reply then probably I am afk for an important reason, or there is some lagg in the server
~If you -k or +k me then please leave me a message :)
~I dont like to make use of my power without good reason

~~~~~GUISE TEST ME:~~~~

Lova ya guys
_ _ Everyone thought that game was lost from the beginning. Hopefully I saved the whole town and I received a massive karma :)

I owned this town :)

Killed bp and cop and I survived too _ _

NEW ROLE: (Headhunter) Prove how good scumhunter you are!

-Chooses one person every night.

-If during the day, all the living mafias have been chosen by him, he wins one day later (if headhunter still living).

-Third Party sided.

-Mafia cannot have joint if he wins


8 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 20He's Batman
3 / 20Clint Eastwood
3 / 10Scumhunter
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
almost 14 years
Thanks:D oohh, and I love cats. invite me to your family?
deletedalmost 14 years
You're awesome, got MSN or AIM?
almost 14 years
Yes, I'm the underdog.

And I don't really know if I like headhunter enough to + it :(.
It really does remind me of alien too much. I know it's not the same, but still... I'll come back to your role in a few days and read the other comments :)
almost 14 years
the role is excellent and i lol'd
almost 14 years
hahaha +k for having a great taste :o)
deletedalmost 14 years
+Ked for being my dorito buddy
almost 14 years
+K'ing for helping on the ownage against Mafia
almost 14 years
+k! :D
deletedalmost 14 years
Thanks, was very nice of you.
almost 14 years
+k gg :D
deletedalmost 14 years
I was certain that game was lost. You deserve this karma.
almost 14 years
+4 with love bro... rise....
deletedalmost 14 years
Yep. :3
almost 14 years
Thanks for +k and saving me ^-^ (i cant +k you again :P)
almost 14 years
Yay vocalists <3 +4k
deletedalmost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
vocalist, eh? as am i :)
almost 14 years
+K <3
almost 14 years
I finally gave you the +k you deserve ^_^