Guiser test: Ask Malthus's name. Ask about Argentina (my country.) Ask about chess. 10K points: 21st february 2013. 9th of december 2013: Celebrity honor role
Blacklist: Anonymous1, Pat4ever, TrainHopper. All these users are kids who don't like being reported when they deserve it and report for no reason. Avoid them for your own good
Argentinians werent even the first people on The Falklands. Also imperialism of old was necessary to maintain hegemony. Imagine a non Western hegemonic force. It would have changed the course of history.
And did those feet in ancient time, walk upon England's mountain green? And was the holy Lamb of God on England's pleasant pastures seen? And did the countenance divine shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here among those dark satanic mills?
Hope that explains British and English patriotism, and our fortitude for imperialism. I salute my ancestors for invading foreign lands in the pursuit of power and wealth. Long lived the British Empire.