I've had the shittiest games today. lol.. just letting u know...
deletedalmost 14 years
At first I thought all 3 of you joined to troll the training lobby, that is why it was unsettling. After reviewing the game, I realized that cookies4me is just a moron of the highest degree and that both of you used him like a puppeteer uses his oldest puppet; with a lot of ease. I caught your strategy on day 1, but I can't do much if town follows the cop who says "I'm the confirmed cop" on day 1 when there's a cc. It was the first time I saw it being used though, I'll give you credits for that, it was well executed. I don't get mad at videogames, that is just silly, sorry to dissapoint you if it seemed like I was. I'll return the karma, but I'll delete the comment off my profile, it doesn't have it's place. You can do the same for me.
deletedalmost 14 years
so you doubled your 2000 pts in 19 days. mafia binge. I can't + k you anymore than I already did.
All good bro. Persistence pays off I guess. I knew I shouldn't have fallen for it, but I was certain it was the spy contacting me. Good play by you. +K