
(π, e)
part of  family
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
I -k'd you to put you back to 69 karma. If some asshole puts you at 71 or something, let me know, and I'll neutralize you back. But 69k is the place to be AT!
almost 14 years
+k for fun game.
about 14 years
Very proud to be the one who plussed you to 69 karma.
about 14 years
Your pr hunting tip helped me nab a doc which led to a win. Thanks!
about 14 years
I miss you D:
about 14 years
Thanks for tutoring me!
about 14 years
oh never seen you, well anyway if you want to play alti just post on my wall here and i'll friend you ingame.
deletedabout 14 years
Game is about to start soon. Please check the thread here:

I put a reply detailing the exact time it will start.
about 14 years
ya ya alti is a great game. What was your name in game? It's changed alot since you were there probably.
deletedabout 14 years
Hello. In case you haven't been keeping track the training league that you signed up for please visit this thread.

I have currently arranged some times in GMT and I need to know whether you can play on any of those times and with what level of accuracy that you can be committed to showing up.

Also what forms of communication work best for you to communicate to your pupil/mentor, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, or IRC?

If you could be so kind as to post answers to all these questions within the next 30 hours so I can finalize the times, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
Great, thanks! How does email sound? My address is [email protected] - you can send an email to that address and I can respond with my current thoughts/analysis. Or would you prefer AIM? By the way, this theory is very "theoretical" and makes several assumptions that at the current metagame may not apply, but I think may be valid if we assume a competitive environment that isn't plagued by trolls/players who don't wish to improve, so please keep an open mind lol.
deletedabout 14 years
Hey there,

I think I saw somewhere that you're a fan of objective analysis of game strategies, and if you're the person I'm thinking of, I was hoping you could help me out with a theory I've recently been developing. I won't go into specifics here, but it deals with the current point system and if correct, can hopefully lead to an improvement in the point system. Anyway, let me know if you're interested, and sorry if I had you confused with someone else regarding the objective math sort of shpeal.

about 14 years
Lol I had u negged for some reason but I plussed u!:)please return!and thogg self deleted?
about 14 years
I already had you +k'd on my main
about 14 years
Same for you :3
deletedabout 14 years
He accidentally self deleted when attempting to log out. Or so I heard.
about 14 years
Ha at your fail honor role noob! ^.^