
part of  family

Just be and let be.

over 14 years
I just realized that I can pluss you (keeping you at 302) or neg you, bringing you back down to 299. OH THE BLACKMAIL! <3
over 14 years
poke poke. :P
over 14 years
Huh? Coincidentally my autobiography happens to be a quote in some movie... who knew? :)
over 14 years
2k 4u plz return
over 14 years
For school, haha! :) I missed having big sister little sister talks with you!
over 14 years
deletedover 14 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH ANNIE, i miss playing with you <3
over 14 years
Date Gaybar
over 14 years
i have been on msn pretty often but no ANNIE.
over 14 years
that's a lot of nouns and/or verbs!
over 14 years
HAHA OKAY :D and omfg!! i think of that ALL the time. Like i could name a trillon things cooler than sliced bread >_>.. and OMFG IT WAS AWEEEEESOMEEE. I love bdays :D esp when theyre on a fridaaay night xD. and LOL at your avvie, in class today i was bored and there was a demotivational pic to your avvie. The caption was.. Happy up ahead. But that road is really fucking long. I wouldn't even try. xD
over 14 years
annie annie bo bannie bananana bo bannie phee phi pho phannie.... ANNIE
over 14 years
i know you have integrity so please neg these two point farm setups where everyone wins so they can't be played ranked anymore.
over 14 years
Hi Annie !! So you should totally get settled into uni, come on MSN and talk to meh !!!!!!!
over 14 years
Gaybar make big man for you
deletedover 14 years
Yeah, just your undying love. No big deal.
over 14 years
I jumped on a few times yesterday, on a lot of pain killers and sleeping a lot when i'm not at wok due to this stone, and just have been generally busy the last little while. I'll try and jump on again soon.
over 14 years
awww poopy!!! i haven't seen u in agesssss. i was JUST thinking about u yesterday too, thinking "i miss annie" :( i been good - sisters wedding this weekend - had some busy weekends leading up to it but will all be over this weekend! yay i get my sundays back! lol
over 14 years
+K returned :D Danke!