It's a game, so it's important that you have fun. I can understand though that being forced into a new lobby can be uncomfortable & don't hold it against you if you do decide to stick to training on an alt. I just wanted to let you know that the loss wasn't your fault and taking games too personally more often than not is a recipe for a bad time.
deletedabout 13 years
Btw you played fine this game: I noticed that you went back to training, the reason town lost was not your fault so don't beat yourself up over it. I enjoyed playing with you, I was Nanita, and I hope to see you in competitive again. Please don't blame yourself for the town loss, it really wasn't your fault and I thought you town told sufficiently if you can tell in the game.
I'm having a lot of non-EM problems, so I won't be able to work this out. You can do as Lucid suggested, and contact a mod. I would suggest trying AdrenalineMime or Laexio.
oh babe! i had to go meet my mom for last minute christmas shopping. I forgot you have a job now! maybe see ya when you get home, take care :3333 t'was fun.