

Okay this is some funny shit.



9 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedalmost 13 years
+K'ed you.
almost 13 years
+Ked you, please +K back.
almost 13 years
plussed mmmkay.
almost 13 years
27~~ :D Plussed twice. :3
almost 13 years
+ked to 25
almost 13 years
+k back? +K;s
almost 13 years
+k to 23 on my alt. Please +k my alt named Mallearn because I'm trying to fix his negative karma. Thanks :)
deletedalmost 13 years
+K'd :)
deletedalmost 13 years
+k'd to 20. ♥
deletedalmost 13 years
You seem like a generally nice person~ thanks for the +k~
about 13 years
+k'd to 22
over 13 years
+k'ed you to 19 karma.
over 13 years
i HATE HOW you can't neg someone you aren't in a game with. I used to leave then neg. Dammit lucid sort it out pls :/ I know it's to avoid neg bomb trolling but still. Put a timer on it. E.g 5m after your game has ended you can no longer neg someone.
deletedover 13 years
yes cuz i give the best luvzzzz hehehe :p
deletedover 13 years
sure am! all the way! hehe i think i luvz you now! :D
over 13 years
No worries about the incorrect fos that you had on me. People make mistakes. I returned the k!
deletedover 13 years
totally ^_^ now it says your from london... so do you have an amazing British accent to match you amazing hair? :D *please say yes*
deletedover 13 years
dang!!! i looooove your hair!!! its amazingly crazy hehe
over 13 years
please SAY why you're +/- k'ing me...
deletedover 13 years
Haha just yesterday I was looking at my old wall posts and say you changed your avi! Yup I still play. Welcome back!