

Returned part time on January 8th, 2010. Back more regularly in December 2010.

NOTICE: Not sure who Spotify is, but it's not me. Find someone who knows me to "Guise" test them if you are actually worried about it.


100 karma - first reached on 8/29/09 via +K by JezebellAlli 200 karma - first reached on 1/8/11 via +K by piggybanx

10k points - Game 216685 on 9/1 just before midnight. One of my all time faves, KPelletier09 was on hand for the fun! 9/21 - Honor Role for Spy!!!

Sass21: They wanted to shoot someone else, but his giant head got in the way!

[Insert gameplay quirks here] Short version - I hate kick lynches. I am a night 1 shooting vig. I make a great granny or bomb. Watch out for the Dave maneuver.

My favorites - in no particular order: sachy Radamanthos Spiderboom MishaNicole iConfess QuinnFabray MisaAmane Jesswhite mafiagal09 FairyGirl69 katieeitak tisdale holycon Suppandigirl Skoffin Stephen Tonkster DarianRocks

Please let me know if I forgot you.

over 13 years
over 13 years
+k to 201 :)
over 13 years
+k as promised.
over 13 years
Been great!!! Nice catching up with you...i see some hater has negged me again! ahahahahahahaa
deletedover 13 years
I'm number 5? hmmmppph
over 13 years
Almooost. xD I was gonna start playing again but I've lost interest. I'm really glad to see you back though. :D I'm really sorry for anything I might have said/done to you in the past. >.<
over 13 years
You're running? :D <3
deletedover 13 years
"Why do I have to be stuck with the guy with the porn name?" I *did* win us the game...
over 13 years
+k'd :)
over 13 years
Haha, thanks! +Ked.
deletedover 13 years
+k karma whoring
over 13 years
Awwww shit!
over 13 years
+k plz return
deletedover 13 years
:DD Good afternoon.
over 13 years
ohhh lol i didnt see that haha!!! YAY!!!!
over 13 years
:O fairy is not ur favorite?
deletedover 13 years
I see you too... XD Actually, you're probably sleeping right now. Hope you had a great New Years.
deletedover 13 years
Ha ha, Big. For shame. XP
deletedover 13 years
How are you online at work? Tsk, tsk. XD
over 13 years
Some people are such assholes, IDK. And ruin games by trolling that they think is hilarious. I wish I understood the internet toughguy thing, but obviously never will.