

Returned part time on January 8th, 2010. Back more regularly in December 2010.

NOTICE: Not sure who Spotify is, but it's not me. Find someone who knows me to "Guise" test them if you are actually worried about it.


100 karma - first reached on 8/29/09 via +K by JezebellAlli 200 karma - first reached on 1/8/11 via +K by piggybanx

10k points - Game 216685 on 9/1 just before midnight. One of my all time faves, KPelletier09 was on hand for the fun! 9/21 - Honor Role for Spy!!!

Sass21: They wanted to shoot someone else, but his giant head got in the way!

[Insert gameplay quirks here] Short version - I hate kick lynches. I am a night 1 shooting vig. I make a great granny or bomb. Watch out for the Dave maneuver.

My favorites - in no particular order: sachy Radamanthos Spiderboom MishaNicole iConfess QuinnFabray MisaAmane Jesswhite mafiagal09 FairyGirl69 katieeitak tisdale holycon Suppandigirl Skoffin Stephen Tonkster DarianRocks

Please let me know if I forgot you.

over 13 years
BTW, I just came across some other comments you've made on other people's profiles...I just really want to suggest that you see EVERYTHING said and done on this website, in this game, as a joke (especially since it almost always is). I'm not sure how many people you know on here in real life, but I know none so that makes it pretty easy for me to brush off anything that is said to me by some anonymous kid. I am surprised the trolls are not feasting on you constantly, as your sensitivity makes great fodder for assholes.
over 13 years
Yeah, it makes sense, and yeah it was truly a joke that began with me commenting to the girl you were talking to about being 17 versus me being 24, and yeah it's strange that this happened to you before.
over 13 years
No hard feelings, ya? =]
over 13 years
Just know that from my outside perspective, you come off as up-tight and on-edge. A troll's favorite target. So, my advice is this: turn the other cheek. I hope you can take that advice as it is and use it as you see fit. Whether that is to ignore it or take it to heart, I don't really care, I just want you to know my view of things.
over 13 years
Okay, look. You're right, I don't know you. Last night I noticed a conversation between you and Malice and saw in your behavior the same attitude that Ran posses when he rants about... stuff. When I advised you not to use the word libel I was trying to subtly contrast the two of you so you might notice the similarities and act accordingly. Obviously I need to be more direct. Again, I don't know you, and I don't know your past. What I do know is that if you want to avoid conflict and repetition of past events you need to lighten up. The trouble with Ran is that he NEVER lets a comment slide and he ALWAYS responds negatively. I can tell that you try to use logical and defensive language when you respond to conflict, which is good, but at the same time lace posts with passive aggressive insults, which just begs for more conflict. I didn't want to have to say any of this, as it comes off as critical, and since I don't know you or your situation, I have no right to criticize. 500 characters
over 13 years
A) Probably not, you've never really noticed me, but we HAVE played together in the past. B) I don't really want to describe my motives in detail as I don't want to start any drama. Just take my advice at face-value and move forward. =]
over 13 years
Ouch, Dave, that really stung. I know what it means. I'm merely suggesting that you should think twice before you start using it.
over 13 years
i'm not a dishonest person. yes, i said i hated you in the heat of the moment. i'm sorry i lumped you in with the trolls, but it was hard not to, you know? those guys were ridic and it was hard to play the game, much less enjoy it with them around. had they not been around, perhaps i could have seen you in another light. i'll go ahead and friend you and +k you, okay?
over 13 years
no,i didn't neg you
over 13 years
agreed. also +k. also add my msn :)
over 13 years
why thanks! :)
over 13 years
+k for you
deletedover 13 years
Plussed you for games in the past :)
deletedover 13 years
+ K :)
over 13 years
Be my friend! I cheat! Oh wait, you're not Sabri.
over 13 years
I'll skype you. We should play a game.
over 13 years
Yay!!! I haven't played in forever. We need to play together. :D
deletedover 13 years
One down only 345667 to go. Haha. 1/3 I'm going bad.
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
wait what?