
New York

I promise to stop sucking one day.

To all my old friends, send me a message so we can talk again, whether on this platform or another. Thank you.


almost 7 years
nerd 1 + nerd 2 = ?
about 10 years
Where do you hang out bro?
Hm... Due to general boredom and college, I'm mostly off of EM. I try to visit, but these days I'm on Steam, Skype or some forum. I want to get back into EM again tho.
anonymousalmost 12 years
Pray4Goodbar, he had surgery today. Pray that he is okay. Pray for a fast and safe recovery, and pray because you love him. <3 #TeamGoodbar
Indeed. #TeamGoodbar


1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
about 6 years
Chaos! Been good. Happy new year :)
over 6 years
Likewise! Glad that you are good!. It's been ages for me on here but I have decided to pop in on occasion. Maybe we'll catch each other in a game sometime.
almost 7 years
nuhuh! say it aint so
over 8 years
hi frand, I've been good. How are you? :)
almost 10 years
Well, my favorite setup is your face. What do you say to that, HUH!?
about 10 years
over 10 years
'ello o_o
almost 11 years
I don't think I've ever played in competitive. I'm content in sandbox I suppose, lol.
almost 11 years
Ahh nice. Well I'm glad to hear that college is going college-y lol. But yeah there always seems to be new faces coming and going.
almost 11 years
oh life. it goes and goes. nothing too exciting but nothing to really complain about. how about you frand?
almost 11 years
Hey! Not too bad, I'm here on occasion. How have you been?
over 11 years
almost 12 years
I'm Auxarch.
almost 12 years
I think the sheer amount of raw stupidity just increases as a whole, when the community expands as rapidly as it has the past year.
almost 12 years
Oh. Thanks! I'll check it out.
almost 12 years
LMAO I screwed up that game, it was mostly u voting MetalMario that won it for us ;)
about 12 years
Veeery good! Get your ass back to BGO. :P
about 12 years
Not too shabby.How about you?
about 12 years
You still play? I'm back.
about 12 years
BUSY BUSy. Wait, you're still around but your last game played was 20 months ago?