
in love with 
part of  family

Presently indestructible.



anonymousabout 12 years
So I hear you like to fuck corpses.
That's wrong actually.
anonymousabout 12 years
what was it like being banned
Then Peta was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."
deletedabout 12 years
[16/01/2013 14:16:32] Mike: I wash my ass when I shower, guess tha means I want a dick in there too, right?
sometimes, when in the shower, i hold the bar of soap tight and wedge it in my butt hole, and rake back and forth to scrub out the poopy bits, for maxximum cleanign efficeiacy
anonymousabout 12 years
y r u plant slav
I don't do drugs.


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
3 / 10I'm Towntelling!
3 / 25Objection!
almost 6 years
about 6 years
peta still holding out hope for us, bby ❤
over 6 years
it's poasting time :3
almost 7 years
we doing great my man, how bout you
almost 7 years
hello my dude
about 7 years
lol fcuk i found a raelly embarrassing picture of you
about 7 years
b i t c h
about 7 years
ur last game was 37 months ago u lil
about 7 years
I love you
about 7 years
about 7 years
Happy birthday Pete!!!
over 7 years
smh ok i guess
over 7 years
wtf it was so cute you made it ur avi for like a few months
deletedover 7 years
stick up for yourself son, never mind what anybody else done
over 7 years
remember when i drew an avi for u!
deletedover 7 years
Would like 2 reconnect when you get a chance, got a lot to say
deletedover 7 years
What's your phone number?
over 7 years
over 7 years
I think when I got unbanned for OPI @ Atikur but I'm not sure