
Your mind.
part of  family

Maybe I'm not a such shitty person after all!


anonymousalmost 9 years
Nice grs in my game after no one vegged, kthx
Oh you mean this "grs"? You should really learn your definitions and know what's reportable, especially when I literally say "gtg" right before I leave as I vote the mafia...
over 9 years
+K for being cool :^))
Awesome, thanks!


25 / 25Explosion!
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20He's Batman
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
Imagine sniping me with a perfect 5/5 on an extra day of the round. wew. Jokes aside, well done, mate, brilliant end streak! Deserved!
over 7 years
i am sorry you are gone borynstone. but when you come back, feel free to check out the new and updated Guiser Gang. btw I am an alt of DatGuiser
deletedover 7 years
. I can't give +K's. High-five, though!
deletedover 7 years
+k High-five!
deletedover 7 years
+k for carry :)
over 7 years
good song
almost 8 years
if you click the link to where i host the youtube video i list the song name there
over 8 years
@iAm look at my points. Now to yours. Now back to mine. Now back to yours. Now mine. See a difference? Now look at my karma. Now your karma. Now back at mine. Now yours. I feel something's up. Now look at my Kudos. Now yours. Now back to mine. And yours. Get the gist?
over 8 years
Furry kys
almost 9 years
I didnt even know I was number 1 lol, i was trolling on HI yesterday and got a loss.
almost 9 years
Sorry Bro. Furrys > Noavis righ now on em.
deletedalmost 9 years
u knocked me off top 3 im upset rn
about 9 years
Furry :D
deletedabout 9 years
your fursona looks cross eyed and it bothers me so much
over 9 years
Yes you did! :D
over 9 years
i found a furry! :)
over 9 years
Why have I not sent you a friend request yet
over 10 years
Nope I do have an alt named pinkzy, but I don't use it much
about 11 years
Pretty much XD