

Things you should know about me as a player:

1. I do not self-vote. Ever. Self-voting is game throwing. It goes against your win objective to vote for someone you know is on your side, which, clearly, you are. Self-voting is also handing the fate of your game over to the clear you are self-voting for. Clear =/= smart. I have watched too many games where I accurately predicted the mafia be lost to a fail clear, the most recent of which inspiring the need for this wall statement. So you are all aware. You don't have to like it. You just have to live with it.

<a href=""><img src="" width="169" height="28" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

over 14 years
thead baleeted :( enjoyed it while it lasted
over 14 years
+K'd for the Ambi Method.
over 14 years
dont listen to ambi.
over 14 years
Is it just me.. or do you actually seem to have a problem with me lately? =\
over 14 years
No problem. Thanks for taking the time to scumhunt, +k for that. I wish WonderGirls had done the same, his behavior change pretty much convinced me that he and tilus were a team.
deletedover 14 years
I didn't spec it. Thats why I hate BG, if I had gotten the other side of the coin flip, it would have been autowin. Pretty lame.
deletedover 14 years
I totally BG saved you <3
over 14 years
You're crazy. <3
over 14 years
is that someone from LOST or am I missing something? :O
deletedover 14 years
Your avatar is win 0_o
over 14 years
Well, lips + tongue. Flutter tonguing to play extremely fast notes, and the fact that the same fingerings can be used for 5+ different sets of notes means you have to change the notes with your air, tongue, and lips. lol. It's one of the hardest instruments to master because of this
over 14 years
I play the trumpet, and hence, I know how to use my tongue. xD
over 14 years
Hey Bettie since b0oty left us... do you wanna have a love show? Everyone loves you!
over 14 years
hell yeah +K for making a great hammer!!!
over 14 years
+k for a good game.
over 14 years
i'll join - can't post in forums though =P
deletedover 14 years
Upbombed time <3.
over 14 years
uhhh... wut?
over 14 years
why would you stop going out with your boyfriend for this, thats pretty dumb on your part...WOW *FacePalm*
deletedover 14 years
im taking off for a party soon idk if ima be back in time.
