I don't really, the first time was for fun and the second because I had a feeling you'd kill me, lol. To be fair, next time we're in a game I'll try to only act on you if I'm in a beneficial role like BG. :3
It's all good. A fail player is fail, you can't control what you're stuck with. I was focusing on Duffy for that game, but people were too focused on irun, who for some reason thought it would be a good idea to vote nobody ;/
Sorry IOD. I KNEW black was scum, but i really wasn't sure if u or tilus was the partner. That's why I was really trying to get a reaction and an opinion out of him. He started echoing your foses of Wonder and I thought, "There it is... he's trying to gain some support for IOD." If it were just a bunch of noob players in there, I would have voted tilus for sure, but I thought you might actually be ballsy enough to leave him alive and wifom it. xD neway, gg, sorry I killed u dude. D:
deletedalmost 15 years
yeah, when you FOS'd me for voting brian I thought town had the game in the bag...