
punchy: (standing ominous in the background, doing stretches)
married to 
part of  family

icon source:

Karanyatsu: too many testimonials -- a testimonial on karuta's page

nora: they're so invalid

nora: who?

nora: the karu reading this

dva: puck: (kills me)

dva: me: fucking karu

Satya: karu i can see you adding this to your bible of testimonials

dva: the legendary scourge of Several lobbys, gaykaruta?

Mei: karu you are second only to puck in the sheer amount of bottom energies that you give off

Mei: gay karuta, you are so much of a bottom that i bet you need someone to reach thinsg onthe top shelf for you

arduousAnger: you're textbook bottom, karu

Mei: karu not in a million years could i ever imagine you being a top

Mei: karu the fact that everyone around you is willing to fight you over your alleged status as a top means youre not a top

dva: youre not a top that's final

Kenma: hey can you take some constructive criticism?

gaykaruta: yeah

Kenma: you fucking suck

Watanabe: average person wins 3 mafia games a year factoid actually just statistical error. average person wins 0 mafia games per year. gaykaruta, who wins 10000 mafia games per day is an outlier and should not be counted

Launchpad: god I just want to kick omoh's ass so hard right now

Launchpad: 1am thoughts

TheGiantRat: a lot of people come up to me and say

TheGiantRat: 'please ban karuta'

kittenfood: karu is valid but also karu is like

kittenfood: the best liar in this fucking game that isnt me

kittenfood: because i saw you convince someone i was fucking bp once when we were cheffed together as mafia

kittenfood: i know your goddamn crimes

ryan2: homosexual karate is the best kind of karate. i support you in all endavours and will walk backwards with you into hell

Tonkotsu: i can't love you because you ruined the economy in 1812


zatanna: i dont know what to do because you radiate evil energies, always

Sollux: hey remember last night how you finally rolled vill and you died n1? both me, the vig, and maf went for you


Neopetsaresokawaii: and I'm stuck in pre game with dm's most hated players gaykaruta and wadanohara

Heathers: gaykaruta poked you! Return poke!

Heathers: is this the gay agenda????

flan: friends: my mom, karuta

Heathers: anyway i thought of a cool new alt name its kaygaruta (original copyrighted 2016)

Oniion: every night i wake up in cold sweat because of the grim reminder karuta exists

gaykaruta: whats my name anne

Neopetsaresokawaii: sandbox lobby reject

Trip: i didnt even know karuta still existed

Koutaro: @gaykaruta FUCK OUT MY FACE

Rocerdude404: brb sending anon hate to gaykaruta suis

Dolce: @gaykaruta i cant believe im in the same room as dms most hated player

Sonja: i dont understand why im losing!! - em user gaykaruta, who is a danger to our economy

Tonkotsu: thats implying karuta and i are friends

Oniion: karuta can you stop being edgy for 1 second

Puck: oh so when I talk abt fucking the mafia its fine but when karu talks about their past with the village they're edgy

Ichigeruge: karuphobia is real

hagakrure: puts roll probability on arson so that i can burn karuta once and for all

xSoniaNeverMindx: GayKaruta was the first person I met in this lobby and the first thing I heard when someone else came in is

xSoniaNeverMindx: met Karuta? Sorry for you

kittenfood: dont worry because i am banning gaykaruta as we speak

Kuria: [looks directly at gaykaruta, em user gaykaruta] karuta "speaking of sinners" karuta, em user gaykaruta is a sinner

Yuichirou: im just a casual karu fan

Yuichirou: i cant even name five albums

DespairNaegi: gay idols ~ karuta adventures?

Rocerdude404: karuta is a known liar

Malachite: remember when kenma banned gaykaruta and didnt tell me so they didnt get to play mafia like all night

Oniion: i am discriminated everyday by em user gaykaruta

Tokiya: any final words before i ban you from dm

Sardonyx: kenma, on their deathbed: bring me my laptop... i need.... i need to ban gaykaruta

Feferi: i want ella and karu to die consecutively and be two pr so the text is just progressively more horrified

Nudibranch: hagakrure, the santa? gaykaruta, the chef?!

hagakrure: im prayin 2 karu

FELlX: dont pray to karu we'll lose

Wadanohara: the most tragic thing about this game is we're stuck with karuta

ella - Today at 7:40 PM

1 like = 1 stand against rampant karuphobia which is existent in many lobbies across epic mafia

too long we have stood by and watched this horrendous act....

DespairNaegi: your profile is literally just testimonials

gaykaruta: thats all u need to know about me


anonymousalmost 9 years
are u...a striaght?
what the FUC is a straight
about 10 years
get out of my face punk


4 / 20He's Batman
2 / 10I'm Batman.

Created Setups

over 9 years
over 9 years
as soon as i figure out how to break up its over
over 9 years
How dare you scorn me. I am merely approving necessary comments.
over 9 years
banning you for consistently rolling 3p giving others no chance to experience being a free third party

you are oppressing hopes and dreams

dont you feel responsible? this is the reason why danganmafia started to slowly dwindle in numbers. because so many players have lost their hopes and dreams of rolling the 3p they want because of you. you even broke friends and families. one em user k******i testifies that she fell into economic hardships because of you, she has difficulty raising five young memes

be considerate karuta. be caring. don't be a "scummy" player who takes all the fun out of danganmafia.
over 9 years
gaykaruta poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague upon our houses!
over 9 years
karuta: +1 every dead comment
almost 10 years
gaykaruta poked you! glad to see you're barely alive and memeing my friend
almost 10 years
karoot.. luv u
almost 10 years
i can't believe a straightkaruta exists now
almost 10 years
I will be the first to testify that karuta steals my memes. first "Good thing I'm judge", and now the kira copypasta?? you will pay
almost 10 years
+k to 6
about 10 years
duh im the lord of hell (':
about 10 years
about 10 years
remember when you had 0 points
about 10 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
about 10 years
i hope my children are intact when i come back nerd
about 10 years
and your gay werewolf too
deletedabout 10 years
down with gaykarate
about 10 years
every time i look at your freaky face i suddenly know i'm not gay
about 10 years
take your +K nerd