
part of  family

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Graveyard of my now inactive friends

- Evil - Kevinamlone69 - Romashi *- DiscoSpider - RamZor - Guoman2 - Sawnic - soleil - MiniLife - Cnote0717

If you would like to know anything more about me, shoot me a pm or ask a question. I honestly love to get to know new people, and I will answer just about anything.

Goodbye for now


deletedabout 10 years
why am i not on the list of people who have reached a level of coolness pervious unsurpassed. Dwightschrutte get your shit together and add me to the top of that list.
you gotta earn the right to sit up front. LOL JK SORRY I FORGOT YOU ARE HERE NOW AND AWESOME I'LL GET RIGHT ON IT
about 10 years
why are you so obsessed with me?! XD
because you aren't a regular em player. you are a cool em player.
deletedover 10 years
what bear is best?
black bears.


20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
12 / 20Do No Harm
7 / 25Explosion!
about 7 years
Are you actually back...?
about 8 years
You can take me out of the graveyard of friends now! I'm officially back, although I suspect that you may be in an inactive friend graveyard of your own at this point.. Oh well! If you ever meander your way back to EM let me know, I have big plans for this site!
about 9 years
pls come back
over 9 years
Dwight is life
over 9 years
Today, smoking will save lives.
over 9 years
I miss you and all of my friends here on EM, I'll be returning to the community in full once the summer is over! Hope you're well! Do more cover songs and upload them to your profile.
over 9 years
over 9 years
okay :D
almost 10 years
+K and sav is gay
almost 10 years
+K and hi
almost 10 years
Yay +K <3
almost 10 years
Yes I am!! I'm excited to be a judge!! I won't be bias though so you better kick a**!!!
almost 10 years
We shall see, my friend, but I shall try.
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
You've got this! Keep up the hard work, I expect to see you back on the site once it's all said and done! Good job!
deletedalmost 10 years
+K! :)
almost 10 years
Congratulations my friend, that is quite the achievement! Much pride from Evil.
almost 10 years
Triple +k for being awesome! <3 Apparently, I already +Kd you on this account. O__o
almost 10 years
+K for a member of Team Sirius!