You asked for an explanation if someone -K'd you. If you can't accept it, that's your problem. "What are YOU gonna do about it?" Absolutely nothing beyond what I can do: -K you. Grow up, you petty child.
I -K'd you for awful play and stubborness that does not belong in competitive ranked. Reference game: - Anyone who looks at it can see how obvious Gamma's fraud was, based on the fact that she was getting defended by others and I wasn't. You demonstrated your stupidity multiple times by refusing to budge.
Shit talking is part of the game, get used to it. especially when you claim cop d1 with framer and no doctor AND i win the game for you
deletedover 14 years
You do realize that does not mean I think I am better than anyone, I'm just pissed off at the fact village was so unwilling to even listen and proceeded straight to lynching me before I could explain myself. Also, why am I not surprised your argument as the same one as it previously was, except butchered into what you should actually be doing?
Where in that game did I act like I was better than you? I was just pissed off at the level of idiocy in that game, because apparently no one has a fucking clue as to how to play the setup. Maybe if you were less of a retard, I wouldn't be this pissed off. The this is just a game excuse only applies to idiots who suck and stop caring about this game, so shut the fuck up about that. You need to try in school, or get your IQ checked before you join another ranked game.
Pretty much was about to win, as you were going to lynch the noob, until he offered you a screenshot, at which point you switched to me. So yeah, don't act as if that was a noble victory taht i robbed you of and not a trolled game.