

Still Alive


1 / 20Super Sleuth!
about 14 years
And zero karma each. I'd give you the benefit of the doubt, except it had none of the signs of lag out and was only done once the game was pretty much clinched. Don't care what your friend says.
about 14 years
It can't be compared since hes played a lot more games than I have. Also I wouldn't afk if I was losing because I'd just make everyone lose a heart and would get neg bombed. Its better to just lose and not lose 50 points and a heart.
deletedabout 14 years
@ zulfiqar's comment towards Chensaw: You have 4 suicides, thank you very much. I have 0 even during lag and shit. Chen only has 1. Derp.
about 14 years
I lagged out and vegged
about 14 years
gg +k