

I always win

deletedover 13 years
+4k for you, I feel your pain for getting negbombed.
deletedover 13 years
+K for youu. Ive never played with you but I hate trolls! :)
over 13 years
+ed cya !
over 13 years
deletedover 13 years
If you plus Becnior I will plus you
over 13 years
Your tragic story has touched my heart, plus you like AC/DC. +k.
over 13 years
I don't care for karma trade, but this is quite overdue from me. +k
over 13 years
I can't yet, but I will if I can, okay? :)
over 13 years
Cool veg bro.
over 13 years
Nice work leading, +k.
over 13 years
well lol, tried to +k u then figured i did it before. it was an EPIC MAFIA GAME last one <3
over 13 years
:) yup yup!
over 13 years
:) I think what happened was that one of the town was upset at the idea of you going with mafia and decided to suicide so there were no points given out.
deletedover 13 years
Thanks for letting me win! I've sent you a friend request. :)
over 13 years
Hope we get to play agaisnt each other again soon. Wish I could +K you but I don't have enough points
over 13 years
thanks for +k.
over 13 years
+4k to combat, as doctor you get to choose who you want to align with in dlyv. Choosing mafia does not make you a bad player and doesn't warrant negs. It sounded like others disagreed so I will plus to counter them as best I can.
over 13 years
K+ for K+, kthx.
over 13 years
+k u even though i was mad at u for being so convincing :P but anyway gg last night, all of the games :)
over 13 years
+1 for doing good job for taking the clueless out of shock.