
The Netherlands
part of  family



I NEVER pressure, I'm just trying to HELP.

I also NEVER falseclaim cop. Im always speaking the truth when I claim cop.

Watch my voting (it will be flashing) if there is a silencer in the setup. Ask me questions, just yes-no, I'll answer by flashing.

If you want to know if I'm disguised, you should check for: - Country/ language (Dutch) - I never use Capslock textmessages. - I do not offend. - Ask something about my favourite movies, Pirates of the Caribbean or Aladdin, Lord of the Rings or something. - Ask things about Zelda: Ocarina, Twilight.

This really made me nervous.. I don't know how I won, adventually, but I did! Thanks for helping me!

I was amn, lylo with fool joint, mafia killed the nonfool, I amnisiac the lyncher: target = fool. Three way win: fool, mafia, lyncher! :D

Awesome game:

Even more awesome:

Two disguisers, I doc the disguiser target, he's also watched, Doc'd target again, two lynches, two mafia!

Even though nobody understood me, this was fun:

Me disguising with 7 Jailers, I won!

If you -k me or +k me, please leave a message! :)

over 13 years
Oh where have you gone.
deletedalmost 14 years
Sadly, I have a horrible memory and do not recall this!
deletedalmost 14 years
So, shall I decline it?
almost 14 years I was shocked and appalled.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
I plussed you as you seem like an upstanding person, even if you were a mafioso.
deletedalmost 14 years
+karmad (Morbidillusion here btw)
deletedalmost 14 years
Aww thats so sweet, thank you! You're a great player too :) i'd +k if i couldddd
almost 14 years
+K'd because I actually have enough points.
almost 14 years
Hartelijk bedankt :)
almost 14 years
+K =D
almost 14 years
Ok thanks =)
Also if you can get others to k+ me as well I would appreciate it so much, Devilhand is negging me, and i need more karma to make up for it! Ill trade them back ofc as well =)
almost 14 years
karma trade? k+
almost 14 years
Oh you totally will =P
almost 14 years
Jij kan serieus echt fantastisch mooi tekenen! :D
almost 14 years
A talented uprising artist
I liked you and I ll give you karma of course when I get 2k points, thats a promise :)
almost 14 years
Ik ken je niet, ik add gewoon alle nederlanders :D
almost 14 years
sorry for decieving LOL +k
almost 14 years
Karma voor U :) En vriendjes?
almost 14 years
Oh het kan heel goed werken maar dan moet je wel even zorgen dat je het goed doet haha. Als je zelf geloofwaardiger bent dan de andere cop kan t best. Als je d1 had geclaimd had iedereen je gevolgd, denk ik XD En gewoon, hij is mijn vriend.