Just in case this falls off the main page and you don't get to see it:
Occam's razor should be applied very tenuously to epicmafia, if at all. It easily goes from being a poignant logical construct, to a classic example of a logical fallacy any time 'wine in front of me' is involved. In addition, the razor is meant to be applied to two sets of alternative constructs, in order to shear what isn't necessary for either. In the case of Epic mafia, both responses are likely just as base, however, one is without a doubt fiction in such a case of two cops claiming or whether or not the mafia actually killed.
Hiya! You left before I could say this. I was hunter who shot you the yakked cop after you faked a guilty on me. In the gy I said asshole, then that I had wanted to shoot WhiteGuy. I was just shouting at WG, not you. I had wanted to shoot him (the asshole) but of course had to shoot you instead. I hope that you did not take offense. You played well, up until you got shot by the hunter!