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part of  family

Idiot guess mode never fails.

about 13 years
+K wanna return? :3
over 13 years
You should join my family (can't invite you until you leave the one you have now)
deletedover 13 years
I should apologize. You can see by the votes that town believed you in proportion to the mafia votes lined up. The choice should have been easier for me.
deletedover 13 years
I was the last to believe you. ._. But thanks :S
over 13 years
over 13 years
well thank you, haha
over 13 years
Writing this on the walls of players who were in that last game with me. Apologies for my veg in the last game. The veg was not intentional and was a result of my internet crapping out.
I do not suicide on purpose no matter how badly a game is going. If you check my stats, that was my first suicide.
Anyway, sorry for wasting your time that last game.
over 13 years
Horrible clear.
over 13 years
Terrible clear.
over 13 years
Good luck with your girlfriend. +k
over 13 years
Dammit, accidentally suicided, please dont -k me