
married to 

So guise testing, you can ask me about Disney, the View, or Glee. I should know a lot about these topics.


20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
7 / 10I'm Towntelling!
5 / 25Eye of the Beholder
almost 14 years
You do have a point, I understand your frustration, +2kd
deletedalmost 14 years
Plussed for shooting the godfather and actually scumhunting to kill.
almost 14 years
I play rather well, actually. I simply made a mistake, and you cursed at me for it. I negged you for that reason.
almost 14 years
Everyone messes up, mark. I simply messed up. There was no need to be rude and curse at me for it. I made a mistake; however, there was a ml. There was no need to yell at me for a mistake that didn't even have any consequences. Obviously, I do know how to play the game, or I would not be playing in a ranked game. :_
almost 14 years
-K for being an asshole. Certainly, I wasn't the best vig, but I wasn't the one cursing and yelling "AUTOWIN". Perhaps if you weren't so rude, I would have been able to choose the right person to kill, and I would have understood what you told me about autowin. I understood after holly explained. However, you did not seem to want to do so. Until you change your horrifying, commanding attitude...-k for you.
almost 14 years
+K thanks for the plus! I also thank you for being the "leader" in my first Silver match!

Great job in helping.
almost 14 years
+K good sir.
deletedalmost 14 years
good job on getting honor role...again!
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for getting negged by rhe stupid douchebag sonsersay, you're a martyr ;)
almost 14 years
+k for being mark
almost 14 years
Not really.. not only does it disallow a strategy that doesn't promote intelligent play, it also cuts down on the trolling possibilities.

I mean, unless you think staying quiet is actually hard to do and a skill.
deletedalmost 14 years
almost 14 years
Can you not go back to n1 before you were yakked? I'm pretty certain you can.
And it's pretty simple, the rules state that staying quiet is not a valid strategy. When lucid/mods implemented this rule, we decided that the negatives of allowing someone to stay quiet all day (ie trolling) outweigh the benefits of the times when you could use it as a legitimate strategy (ie what you did). I'm not suspending you for it nor marking it down as an official warning because I realize u weren't doing it to troll.
almost 14 years
Just to let you know, the "staying quiet" rule still applies whether you talk at night or not. Its pretty simple, just don't stay completely quiet and you won't be reported for it again. Also, forgetting your role is... eh. Could you not have looked back? Try to avoid this as well..
almost 14 years
Yeah, and maybe if you had contributed at all toward the kills being chosen, then said "bad kills" wouldn't have been chosen. But instead, you remained pretty silent through the night. night 2 you only talked about you not knowing what you were and saying I can claim blue, and night 3, you only said something about how you didn't even want to try.
almost 14 years
Negged. Sorry Mark, but you had no right to say that I picked awful kills. You joined the game then disappeared, had no idea what your role was, then refused to say anything at all during the day. When confronted about it, you specifically said that you didn't feel like trying. And then, after I get lynched and you're about to, you say I picked awful kills? Fuck you. Neg me all you want, but you are the one who deserves to be negged.
deletedalmost 14 years
you are almost there mark!
almost 14 years
wow it was you! fucking bad
deletedalmost 14 years
Amazing mafia partner, yay! +K
almost 14 years
glasvegas reported the game. He said not outting report is gamethrowing. Total, laughable amateur.