

So, figured it was time to fill this in.

If you want to guisetest me, ask me to speak Dutch, ask me what I study and where, and ask me any question regarding previous games together. >Play Thief, work together with a BS and almost win. Damn leak.

almost 14 years
Thanks so much for the karma!
almost 14 years
Hey Kyuusai, I haven't seen you in awhile, but recently I was hit by a huge neg bomb. Please spread the word and +K <3 also you're awesome!
almost 14 years
+k'ed =)
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
Kyuu <3 she should be the highest Karma'd person in EM. TRU FAX!
almost 14 years
:) x
almost 14 years
You're fucking awesome!
almost 14 years
+k because you are cool.
about 14 years
whos the bf?? I love the fact a couple both play on EM!!
about 14 years
++k the start of something beautiful!! ha
about 14 years
+k because +k
about 14 years
Heyyy =)
about 14 years
We should be in less conflicting time zones...
about 14 years
Dat was het nou juist, ik was gewoon stom om op het laatste moment nog even te zeggen, 'it is me!' lolz, ik had gewoon gelijk moeten claimen, of helemaal niet. Maar dan had ik nog 't probleem gehad dat er dan geen rol over zou zijn voor me :p was ik alsnog dood geweest :p.

wat voor 'vriend' hunh? ^^
deletedabout 14 years
hi hello
about 14 years
H...Hai :3 <3
about 14 years
Haha :p Vriendje op welke manier?? :p En nee, het was echt bagger, als ik niet geclaimed had was hij eerder dood geweest dan nu. Dit was gewoon zwaar falen :p Ik had nooit eerder cop geclaimed als mafia, ik doe het ook niet meer ook, hehe :p
about 14 years
Oh nee ik heb je per ongeluk verwijderd uit mijn vriendenlijst! Nieuwe request + karma dus. :D
about 14 years
Apparently I never plussed you. So here it is. :D
about 14 years
Oh wow, after more than a month I can finally post on walls again, lmfao. Could never be bothered with the training games.