Welcome to Epicmafia's First Debate Competition!
Your wonderful judges for this competition will be Mindful, Denial, and Jeff.
There will be 7 questions over the course of the competition, but not every team will make it to answer all 7!
Here's how it will work:
The first 3 rounds will essentially be a free for all mass debate chaos. Teams will be given a timeline of when their cases are to submitted to a judge, when the cases will be posted in the round thread, and how long they will have to debate within the thread. Once all cases have been submitted, myself, Denial, and Mindful will post the cases in the thread and give everyone an hour before the thread will be unlocked. Once the thread is unlocked it will be your job for the next 24 hours to comment on the other cases. You can use this time to attack other cases, point out flaws in them, defend your own case from other's attacks, and overall just debate the topic. After 24 hours, the thread will be locked and you will all be given 2 rest days before another question will be given. During these rest days the 3 judges will read the thread and assign every team a score of 1-10 based off how well their case was, how well they defended it, and how well they attacked the opposing stance.
This will happen for 3 rounds.
After 3 rounds, every team will be given a ranking. Teams will be ranked 1-10. The top 6 teams automatically move on to the final 8 and the other 4 teams will face off in a 1 vs 1 PLAY IN battle (7th vs 10th, 8th vs 9th) to see which two also will advance to the final 8.
Once the final 8 is reached, teams will be placed in a bracket and face off in a knock out style 1 vs 1 battle (1 vs Lower Ranked Play-in advancer, 2 vs Higher Ranked Play-in advancer, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 5)
One team will emerge victorious from the bracket and be named Epicmafia's Greatest Debate Team!
http://pastebin.com/SCFgmCpg Rutab & xJuicy
http://pastebin.com/812SHLbC Tatami and Sincerely
http://pastebin.com/ibsV9Hkc Poser and Tartosis
http://pastebin.com/sjTU6sJt Stiffy&schutz
http://pastebin.com/VXED8hDe Arcbel and thecolonel
http://pastebin.com/jsJzvasJ Pamda and Xero
http://pastebin.com/EJM4yyc1 Blister and SweetnKind
http://pastebin.com/gKmvDkHN Bebop and Ponylove
http://pastebin.com/Q9gS842E Jack and Sims