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silly or serious trivial topic

deletedalmost 7 years

I will be answering questions about myself, my opinions, or other odd queries that are brought up.

Warning: there is a 95% chance I will be honest, so don't ask questions that you may not want the answer to

I'll also try to keep this thread somewhat updated with content to arouse your interests as well.

Happy browsing.

deletedalmost 7 years

Ginga says

What is the meaning of life?

He leans back on his couch, pushing the top of his laptop gently to adjust the angle that the screen was at to give him a better vantage. His face dimly lit by the glowing monitor before him, he squints his eyes to read the text again just to confirm what he had read, "What is the meaning of life?" With one swift motion he wiped a few tortilla chip crumbs off of his turtleneck sweater and brought his fingers to the keyboard.

Tap tap tap. The once quiet house was filled with the sound of thoughts transforming into text. Intangible, raw, and without cause or purpose the ideas flew through the air, running wild like data without delimiters, before landing clumsily making a single keystroke.

After some time he sat back, gazing upon the finished product the way a father might view his child. He brought a glass of Chardonnay to his lips and read the fruit of his labor aloud, "r u fokin stupid lol?"
deletedalmost 7 years
Christmas music is unarguably the most annoying music to ever be created, Claire. There is a special circle of Hell created for people like you.

I've stumbled upon the Dangran Ronpan (spelling?) lobby a few times before, still not sure what the game is actually about but it's cute that it has such a devoted following.

I hope you enjoy the snow and if you have any fantastical photos send them my way, I love photography!
almost 7 years
What is the meaning of life?
almost 7 years

Forrest says

xSoniaNeverMindx says

Forrest says

xSoniaNeverMindx says

Long time no see bucko
Close enough

Yeah it's been forever! How are you? What have you been up to? What's new? How is your work? So many questions that need answering, let's go!

Let's go! I'm doing pretty good trying to save of with all this college prep work is..well work it's good enough but not a dream job but it's something I've been trying to run more and I can't wait for all the snow to come down so I slip my a** down the hill on my way to work
How are you doing how's life

That's awesome, I'm sure you'll do great at college. Sounds like you're not as keen on your job as you once were, but that's the nature of employment and it sounds like you don't hate it so you're living the high life as far as I'm concerned. It actually just got done snowing a lot (for Atlanta) down here a few days ago. It even stuck around for a few days which is something really out of the norms, there's even a few piles of snow sitting out on my yard as I type this.

Seeing Atlanta covered in snow is a pretty rare sight, so I enjoyed these photos, maybe you will too.

I've been well too, just same old same old for me. No major changes but I'm always keeping myself plenty busy so there's never a dull moment, but nothing particularly mind blowing to share.

Are you going to be back on EM playing some games here and there?

I play a few games in a dr lobby here and there but mostly just around for the people now it snows a hellaton here in maine but you could most likely guess that already these photos are pretty great I'm playing Christmas music and my friend let out a sigh of annoyance at it...but I will never stop cause Christmas music is GREAT
deletedalmost 7 years

Voice says

I'd like an opinion of me, sir!

I've loved chatting with you and talking about the wide range of topics that have come up.

Often times I see people fake caring for others when really they're just acting how they think that they ought to, or they want to be viewed as a good person, not out of genuine concern and care for other people's well being. Tucker is a shining exception of this. He's one of the most sincerely caring and empathetic people that I know even if he isn't as vocal or outgoing with his concerns. You have one of the most commendable characters of anyone on here man, and I'm so glad to call you my friend.

I could probably type a few pages on my opinions of you, considering we probably wrote half a book to each other last night alone it'd be easy to do, but I don't want to jump into anything too personal.

Some day we'll hang out and chow down on some Korean BBQ. Stop being such a lil bi'tch and finally make plans with me to chill!
almost 7 years
I'd like an opinion of me, sir!
almost 7 years
forrest looks like a king, I stan
almost 7 years
what a handsome fella
almost 7 years
button up that top button or take the shirt off fuccboi
deletedalmost 7 years

Thursday night me
almost 7 years

Apropos says

I hope that answers your question, Bryce

deletedalmost 7 years
I hope that answers your question, Bryce
almost 7 years
Why did music peak with Cascada Everytime We Touch?
deletedalmost 7 years
shower thought: someone from Zeezo and Zach's chat should host a TWT instead of TWL

The Weakest Twink would be a smash hit I'd reckon
deletedalmost 7 years

Voice says

What personality traits do you hate in other people?

That's a tough one because for most traits that I'm not too fond of I can think of someone who I don't mind it in.

I think that in general, I'm not too fond of people who are overly enthused by or seek to stir drama. And similarly, I'm also not fond of people who overtly seek attention *too much* (not that seeking attention here and there is bad, but there's a degree to which I find it gross).

It is my opinion that people with those traits aren't necessarily satisfied with themselves in one way or another, so they seek out fulfillment and validation elsewhere. Those types of friendships are often flimsy and meaningless to them so you're viewed as just an object to give them attention or serve some purpose to them, not as a valued friend. This combined with my latent trust issues make those people seem just not worth the effort to me, because trust, honesty, and sincerity are the most important aspects of a friendship to me.

I feel like I could go a lot more in depth with this question, but I'd hit the 2,000 character limit extremely easily and also overwhelm the thread with my response, so I tried to keep it simple

Bonus picture:

almost 7 years
What personality traits do you hate in other people?
deletedalmost 7 years

xSoniaNeverMindx says

Forrest says

xSoniaNeverMindx says

Long time no see bucko
Close enough

Yeah it's been forever! How are you? What have you been up to? What's new? How is your work? So many questions that need answering, let's go!

Let's go! I'm doing pretty good trying to save of with all this college prep work is..well work it's good enough but not a dream job but it's something I've been trying to run more and I can't wait for all the snow to come down so I slip my a** down the hill on my way to work
How are you doing how's life

That's awesome, I'm sure you'll do great at college. Sounds like you're not as keen on your job as you once were, but that's the nature of employment and it sounds like you don't hate it so you're living the high life as far as I'm concerned. It actually just got done snowing a lot (for Atlanta) down here a few days ago. It even stuck around for a few days which is something really out of the norms, there's even a few piles of snow sitting out on my yard as I type this.

Seeing Atlanta covered in snow is a pretty rare sight, so I enjoyed these photos, maybe you will too.

I've been well too, just same old same old for me. No major changes but I'm always keeping myself plenty busy so there's never a dull moment, but nothing particularly mind blowing to share.

Are you going to be back on EM playing some games here and there?
deletedalmost 7 years

qrstuv says

boxers or briefs

This varies a bit depending on the weather and what I plan on doing for the day, but 90% of the time I'd choose boxers.

Boxers let your junk breathe and wearing a nice silk pair while you go about your day is absolutely heaven.
deletedalmost 7 years

yuujin says

What are some of the most common pieces of advice you give your mentees?

It might be viewed as a meme or a joke but I'm actually mentoring Zacharae and not just babysitting the hat. Even then, I wouldn't say it's exactly a one-way street, whenever we've talked about the games it's been pretty back and forth and I've definitely learned a lot from playing/talking to him about the game.

I can't think of any particular advice in my mind that sticks out as our conversations have normally just been reflections of prior games that we've played. If I was hard pressed to leave this thread with a piece of advice it would probably be something about trying to be more vigilant of how alliances have formed and shifted throughout the game so that when the numbers start dwindling you know who has a lack of allies, and who has an excess. This is important because in any alliance there's a pecking order so even if you feel safe at Final 8, you might be the next person voted off at Final 7 even if you were in a majority alliance the day before. So sometimes voting with your alliance to pick off someone who has no allies isn't in your best interest because you'd be removing someone who could be a potential strong ally to you, whereas in your current alliance you might just be viewed as fodder.
almost 7 years

Forrest says

xSoniaNeverMindx says

Long time no see bucko
Close enough

Yeah it's been forever! How are you? What have you been up to? What's new? How is your work? So many questions that need answering, let's go!

Let's go! I'm doing pretty good trying to save of with all this college prep work is..well work it's good enough but not a dream job but it's something I've been trying to run more and I can't wait for all the snow to come down so I slip my a** down the hill on my way to work
How are you doing how's life
almost 7 years

nattless says

the american transcendentalism movement blew and Henry David Thoreau was a monkey. tell me if u agree or not cuz this is acutally mega important.

as someone who has both read Walden and actually been to Walden Pond... agree
almost 7 years
boxers or briefs
almost 7 years
What are some of the most common pieces of advice you give your mentees?
deletedalmost 7 years
I quit for about 2 years back in 2015. I got slightly back into it and played for a month or so a few months ago and was about 5k, but since then I've quit again and not played a game since
almost 7 years
how good are you at dota2?