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silly or serious trivial topic

deletedalmost 7 years

I will be answering questions about myself, my opinions, or other odd queries that are brought up.

Warning: there is a 95% chance I will be honest, so don't ask questions that you may not want the answer to

I'll also try to keep this thread somewhat updated with content to arouse your interests as well.

Happy browsing.

deletedalmost 7 years
there's no one in that chat that I think is romantically compatible with you (as far as I know) but you and Zach seem to get along quite well
almost 7 years

Forrest says

idk, probably no one right now because you seem to be living a fast life consisting of chasing dopamine rushes given off from meeting new people or jumping into drama so most of your connections are probably based on how exciting they are to you, or how much attention they can give you as opposed to being really deep or meaningful

not that that's a bad thing, I just think you probably need to do some more exploring and self-reflection in life to figure out what you really want for yourself, and in someone else before you're ready to commit to someone

real answer: Sasuke

Who do you ship me with from the Zach and Zeezo chat**
deletedalmost 7 years
"On the whole, it was not so impressive a scene as I might have expected. If I had found one body cast upon the beach in some lonely place, it would have affected me more. I sympathized rather with the winds and waves, as if to toss and mangle these poor human bodies was the order of the day. If this was the law of Nature, why waste any time in awe or pity?" -Henry David Thoreau

his response upon surveying rescue workers and survivors sorting the bodies of victims of a boat crash

it's cool that you remembered that question though

if you want to read more here's a well written article from a couple years back on him
almost 7 years
the american transcendentalism movement blew and Henry David Thoreau was a monkey. tell me if u agree or not cuz this is acutally mega important.
deletedalmost 7 years
idk, probably no one right now because you seem to be living a fast life consisting of chasing dopamine rushes given off from meeting new people or jumping into drama so most of your connections are probably based on how exciting they are to you, or how much attention they can give you as opposed to being really deep or meaningful

not that that's a bad thing, I just think you probably need to do some more exploring and self-reflection in life to figure out what you really want for yourself, and in someone else before you're ready to commit to someone

real answer: Sasuke
almost 7 years
Who do you ship me with
deletedalmost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

What coloured nail polish do u prefer?

soft colors like a light blue maybe, or a bright red if you're going super fancy
deletedalmost 7 years

bryce1997 says

Hello king... opinion pls

You're one of the most soft spoken people I've ever met and your personality is a fun mix of bubbly and humorous. Sometimes you shock me in a hilarious way with some of the wild things that creep out of your mouth or keyboard, like the other night you were PRETTY wild by your standards. When you got that cheating violation I was so downtrodden because I know you're a good guy and would never purposefully harm the game or even meaningfully cheat, just made a silly decision and got caught up in it all. I hope you're not bitter about that whole fiasco because you're a great guy and I was honestly a bit afraid that you'd feel pushed away or hurt, but I'm glad that you're still around.

You're beautiful baby Bryce, please don't ever change *kiss*
almost 7 years
What coloured nail polish do u prefer?
almost 7 years
Hello king... opinion pls
deletedalmost 7 years

xSoniaNeverMindx says

Long time no see bucko
Close enough

Yeah it's been forever! How are you? What have you been up to? What's new? How is your work? So many questions that need answering, let's go!
almost 7 years
Long time no see bucko
Close enough
deletedalmost 7 years

Ally says

u should try vanilla sweet cream cold brew from starbucks if u haven't

Noted, I'll probably be through there in a few days, but right now I'm not too eager to go and out drive because the streets are still iced over a bit and my car is a sports car so it doesn't have the best traction. It's pretty crazy that there's still snow here though, and a thick amount at that.
deletedalmost 7 years
u should try vanilla sweet cream cold brew from starbucks if u haven't
deletedalmost 7 years
I love all of them a ton, but probably bonk

what isn't there to love about this account? =D
deletedalmost 7 years
what's your favourite alt of yours and why?
deletedalmost 7 years
I haven't, but I'll try it the next time I'm there, any other coffee recommendations that I should look into? I'm always willing to try new things
almost 7 years

Forrest says

tricksterer says

what kind of coffee do you like

I have a keurig machine that I often make hot cocoa or other various blends of coffee with. I wouldn't label myself as experienced with coffee in the least and there's certainly loads of various blends and flavors that I haven't tried that I'm sure I'd love but right now I love the sweet drinks. Whenever I go to Starbucks my guilty pleasure are those sweet little mochas with whipped cream.

I also really love coffee shots and I am prepared to verbally berate anyone that thinks coffee and alcohol are not soulmates.

followup question, have you tried the snickerdoodle hot chocolate at starbucks because it's marvelous
deletedalmost 7 years

tricksterer says

what kind of coffee do you like

I have a keurig machine that I often make hot cocoa or other various blends of coffee with. I wouldn't label myself as experienced with coffee in the least and there's certainly loads of various blends and flavors that I haven't tried that I'm sure I'd love but right now I love the sweet drinks. Whenever I go to Starbucks my guilty pleasure are those sweet little mochas with whipped cream.

I also really love coffee shots and I am prepared to verbally berate anyone that thinks coffee and alcohol are not soulmates.
almost 7 years
what kind of coffee do you like
almost 7 years

Forrest says

In either case, I case about you lots and am always here if you need someone to chat with, I wish you well!

Forrest is one of my favorite people on this hellsite and he has always been there for me... a true broski
almost 7 years

Forrest says

I also think I may have found future careers for us if you're willing to drop what you have going and relocate. A little birdie told me that Snapchat has just the right business culture for us to acclimate to.

hahaha oh my god i'm ready this the career move i've been waiting for
deletedalmost 7 years

jack says

i'll also take an opinion cutie *kiss*

Hey jack! Man, you're easily one of the funniest guys in the lobby and I can't think of a single time where you've been nasty or rude so you've got my appraisal as being truly a great guy. I love your accents too, they always crack me up and when I pop a terrible joke I can always rely on you to be there give me a pity laugh at least and I appreciate that a ton. I can't think of a more straight forward and honorable man and I'm so happy to be able to call you my friend.

I also think I may have found future careers for us if you're willing to drop what you have going and relocate. A little birdie told me that Snapchat has just the right business culture for us to acclimate to.
deletedalmost 7 years

marry says

hi forrest <3

Hey marry! I think you may be the person I've known the longest from vivor and that's pretty bonkers.

You're so friendly and outgoing it's almost a bit intimidating, even outside of vivor games. Then when in them you're an outright psychopathic serial killer. I remember getting bludgeoned by your big d'ick social skills and backstabbing me just to laugh at me in Skype like some sort of villain who monologues their plans except you were actually successful. I hope your job is treating you well and that everything in your life is going better! I know we haven't chatted for a while and I wish that I could be a better friend and more supportive for you but in all honesty I'm not the best at at those sorts of things since so much of my personality is reliant upon humor and using humor to help when things are *real* can come off really poorly and I'd hate to be a jerk when not meaning to be.

In either case, I case about you lots and am always here if you need someone to chat with, I wish you well!

almost 7 years
i'll also take an opinion cutie *kiss*