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silly or serious trivial topic

deletedalmost 7 years

I will be answering questions about myself, my opinions, or other odd queries that are brought up.

Warning: there is a 95% chance I will be honest, so don't ask questions that you may not want the answer to

I'll also try to keep this thread somewhat updated with content to arouse your interests as well.

Happy browsing.

almost 7 years
hi forrest <3
deletedalmost 7 years

YanmegaMan says

gimme some of that g0o0od stuff forrest

The g0o0od stuff you say? Okay I'll let you in on a well kept, universal truth and secret...

deletedalmost 7 years

Picante says

sure i like opinions :*

Hey Jose!

You're one of the friendliest people I've come to appreciate in vivor and I'm SO glad to call you my friend. You're easily one of my favorite people to work with in games (even though you shoved a knife in my back and left me for dead last game) just because of how entertaining it is to hang out with you. I don't think I've ever seen you be anything less than happy let alone fight or cause any problems and honestly you're lowkey one of the most charismatic people on here. If I had to make a guess at who might be a future celebrity from EM I'd probably put my money on you just because of how happy-go-lucky you can come across.

Keep being you fam, you're a shining star out there!
almost 7 years
gimme some of that g0o0od stuff forrest
deletedalmost 7 years

Markus says

Hmmmm can I have an opinion?

We've been acquaintances since I joined this site I think, and we've interacted plenty of times but I still feel like we're mysteries to some extent to one another. For a time when my sleeping schedule was completely backwards and I was playing a lot of competitive main lobby games you were a mainstay in my overnight adventures so it's a shame to see less of you now.

I was disheartened when you got banned (it was over ISP or GRS IIRC right?) because it was just ridiculous. How could the mods stand by and ban someone who committed a few minor offenses but overall has been around for so long and has always been a positive and good person to keep around while simultaneously unbanning abc and leaving other, far more vile people unbanned.

I also might consider hunting you down and using your skin for a lampshade if I have to view another selfie post of yours anytime soon. I feel like I've seen so many of them that if your twin tried to dress up to look the exact same as you I would still be able to tell you apart.
almost 7 years
sure i like opinions :*
deletedalmost 7 years

bumpycloud says

i want an opinion even though i've only been here for like a month


hey *kiss*

I'm relatively new here too so I didn't even know you were new. I thought you were some old player because of how good you always play and how firm of a grasp you have of the game, but maybe you've just had experience elsewhere? I'm a bit curious as to where you came from since you're new.

I've really enjoyed playing with you and hope we keep finding ourselves in the same games because working with you has been extremely entertaining. Saving you last night from the majority alliance trying to vote you out was some Mission Impossible sh'it and I'm still filled with glee thinking about how I managed to convince people to split the votes but keep quiet about it so that I could twist the vote into a tie to keep you in, it was awesome.

I hope that we can get to know each other better as time goes on!
deletedalmost 7 years
Hmmmm can I have an opinion?
deletedalmost 7 years

bboy29 says

I would also like an opinion. You seem to know a lot about me, but I don't know about you.

Also, favorite BB/Survivor player???

In reality I don't know much about you at all other than our time scheming for that giant BB game. I had fun and enjoy playing with you in the games but I think you've just confused my general forwardness with actual knowledge about you. I just like your demeanor and attitude and it makes you easy to pal around with and team up with.

I assume you mean favorite BB/Survivor player from Epicmafia because if you asked about actual players from the show I haven't actually watched them so I couldn't even name a single player.

I'm going to have to go with Beastman2764 for this one. He's always finished at least decently from what I've seen and always has some wacky tactics that he's busting out. I've been blindsided and betrayed by him a few times so I've learned to be weary of the B-God but for whatever reason he always manages to surprise me despite me being on my guard. Apart from that he's also always been very positive, never problem, and generally fun to play with.

Shoutout to him if he ever reads this!
almost 7 years
i want an opinion even though i've only been here for like a month

deletedalmost 7 years

Cammy says

omg can i have an opinion

Hi, you're probably one of my favorite people on the site and I'm very glad that we've gotten to know each other. You're one of the most thoughtful and caring people I've come across on here and I've enjoyed our chats and calls a boatload. I hope that we can get around to watching The Disaster Artist sometime because watching The Room was easily the most entertaining movie I've seen in the last while.

Also I'm sorry I never got around to burning your place of employment down the other day, got stuck in traffic and realized the gas can was leaking in my trunk on the way. But next time I'll prepare a bit more so we can properly light that bi'tch up.

Only negative thing I can really come up with is that you're either a bit absent minded or not very prudent because I always hear about people who you've let down or had some expectations/plans with, which in itself is amusing, but you can interpret that as you will.

Cheers gamer =)
deletedalmost 7 years

flippo135 says

Sure I'll take an opinion

Hey flipster!

Despite playing in a few of your games and in various games with you I can't say that I know all that much about you. You're a bit quiet and reserved from my experiences with you and in games I think I always see you go fairly early, which is a shame because I'd love to get to know you.

If I had to give you a piece of advise for games, I'd say that you need to try and form some stronger alliances and be a bit more vocal earlier on so that people are more likely to keep you around instead of seeing you as an easy out if they go to tribal. I hope to see you get more dominant in games so I can upvote a lobby wall post about you winning a game sometime! I also look forward to working with you in the future bud!
deletedalmost 7 years
I would also like an opinion. You seem to know a lot about me, but I don't know about you.

Also, favorite BB/Survivor player???
almost 7 years
omg can i have an opinion
almost 7 years
Sure I'll take an opinion
deletedalmost 7 years

withered says

I'll take one of dem opinions, my good ol' mentee

As far as mentors go, you technically are one. I love chatting with you but you're pretty aloof to be honest. You almost never play games and our messages normally consist of a joke, followed by a few hour delay for an answer or followup. This makes it a bit hard to really properly judge you because in all honesty I don't know that much about you. I hope you do play a full game with me sometime so I can actually see how you play outside of just a quick TWL (which I've always STOMPED you in). Outside of that you have great movie taste and you're also a member of the best family on Epicmafia, so you're pretty cool. Overall I'd give you two thumbs up!
deletedalmost 7 years

bumpycloud says

Do you have any recommended crockpot recipes?

I don't sadly, but I've been wanting to get a crockpot to expand my cooking capabilities. I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

I mostly stir fry things as it's easy and I'm lazy, but not too long ago I was cooking some decent meals with side dishes and all. Those that followed my snap stories a few months ago can testify to me essentially being a poor man's Gordon Ramsay
deletedalmost 7 years

Zoya says

Hello Forrest. May I have an opinion ^_^

Hi Zoya!

You're incredibly energetic and fun to be around and I'm glad that I can call you my friend. I always have a good time chatting with you but I always feel like you're hiding your true self a bit. I know we've talked about this before and those conversations have always left you feeling a bit sad so I don't want to rehash all the details of that, though if you want an updated opinion on any of those things I'd be more than happy to do so. I'm just a bit hesitant because when I say I'll be honest I will, I just also still care about not hurting anyone, especially my friends.

I love your sense of humor and find it hysterical how you've embraced the twink army. Chatting with you and seeing that silly pumpkin pop up always brings a smile to my face and I've enjoyed the last few games we've played together too. I hope you remain as active as you are so we can keep gaming together, just stop deleting or threatening to do so!
deletedalmost 7 years
I'll take one of dem opinions, my good ol' mentee
almost 7 years
Do you have any recommended crockpot recipes?
deletedalmost 7 years

R0ronoaZoro says

oop I didn't expect a serious response I was aiming for a silly one. I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories.

LOL you're fine, no bad memories or anything brought up. Even now I get those kinds of remarks daily. Like if I play a few main lobby games I'll probably see someone make a Forest Gump joke at least once every three games or so. It's just something I've learned to accept as not really a positive or a negative, just a thing that happens.
deletedalmost 7 years

annajane says

i would like an opinion

and a tag

i think im deserving of a tag after all these YEARS


We've been friends for ages, it's pretty crazy.

You and Ally actually really remind me a lot of each other by your personality types and how fierce and unwavering you can be in your loyalty. You both make for great friends to have and everyone needs a Ride Or Die in their life to have their back so I think it's absolutely adorable that you're now such good friends. I love chatting and hanging out with you in Discord these days, it's reminiscent of when we used to hangout in Skype many moons ago and I'm glad we're back to doing so occasionally.

One thing that I've noticed that might be worth considering would be opening yourself up to making some new friends elsewhere. I always see you prodding Cammy for attention when there's other people around and I think that there's plenty of lovely people in vivor that you could become great friends with too. Sometimes you just come off a bit cold, or closed off if you're not already friends with someone and I guess that's just a shame to see because of how fun you are to be around.

That said, I hope we can chat again soon, I'll be looking forward to it!
almost 7 years
Hello Forrest. May I have an opinion ^_^
almost 7 years
oop I didn't expect a serious response I was aiming for a silly one. I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories.
deletedalmost 7 years
The 2,000 character count limit is owning me right now.