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silly or serious trivial topic

deletedalmost 7 years

I will be answering questions about myself, my opinions, or other odd queries that are brought up.

Warning: there is a 95% chance I will be honest, so don't ask questions that you may not want the answer to

I'll also try to keep this thread somewhat updated with content to arouse your interests as well.

Happy browsing.

deletedalmost 7 years

Ally says

may i have an opinion

also, do you like to read? what genre of books do you usually like?

Part 2.

Preface: I haven't been reading much lately, the last book I read was probably in July.

As for books, I mostly like fiction and going even further into that, I prefer fiction that has elements of mystery as well as story building. Though my tastes stated above are one thing, I'll often read outside of that as I take book suggestions from various friends.

Here's a few books that are dope:
deletedalmost 7 years

Ally says

may i have an opinion

also, do you like to read? what genre of books do you usually like?

Sure. I think you're a very fun to be around and can easily liven up a room with your energy alone. I was going to use 'loud' to describe you, but that almost comes off like it's a bad thing, but I'd use loud to describe you in a perfectly positive way. You can also easily be one of the most personable people in the whole lobby at times too. But having known you for a while now I do see some sides that I'm not to fond of as well. Rather than just say "b'itchy" I'll try to lay out those specific traits because I don't want this to come across as something written to be mean, or that I don't think your positive qualities outweigh your negative ones, because I'm trying to be perfectly honest with these.

I think that you can be a bit too aggressive at times and overly confrontational. I've noticed that you'll often go out of way your way to pick at people or insult them, even if it's in sly ways, even when they're not provoking you back. You're fiercely loyal, which in my mind is a positive trait, but that mixed with your relentless demeanor of never backing down can make you a bit hard to deal with when you're on a rampage. If I had to give you some advice it would be to just let things go easier and try to not hold grudges as often. We're not close or anything, but I can say with almost certainty that you're the type of person to say something bad about someone you don't like if they're even mentioned. That may seem like something that you don't think is bad, but in reality it's just needless sh'it stirring and does no one any good.

That being said, please don't take this the wrong way and hate me for being honest with my opinion. I hope we can discuss Tiny Houses again sometime :)
deletedalmost 7 years

powerofdeath says

Whats your positive but true opinions of me?

and your negative but true opinions of me?

I don't know much about you but I'll do my best.

You're a very organized host from what I've seen and have been nice enough to talk to, but that's really the extent of our interactions.

As far as negatives go I'll tell you what someone should have told you long ago... your skype picture is ATROCIOUS! Not that you aren't a handsome guy, but please ditch the hat and shave your chin. Unless you can grow a decent beard you're better off keeping your face clean shaven because otherwise you'll just look nappy. When you take your new skype picture be sure to get some better lighting too and experiment with some angles because the lighting in your picture is terrible as well. And most importantly, SMILE! You could easily jump up a few points with just those points alone and then you'll have all the cuties begging to be in your ORGs.

Also, I heard a bit about a grudge you held against Nat over what was labeled a misunderstanding and I'm not one to really judge over hearsay, but then I saw you shank her in the Hurt And Heal (H&H) and lay her out like a prison b'itch and I thought you were being needlessly vengeful. Not that anyone cares about H&H or you did her any disservice, it just sort of shows that you're holding onto a grudge over something silly which only puts you in a bad light.
deletedalmost 7 years

R0ronoaZoro says

r u forrest gump or is there a different reason 4 the name??@

I was born on July 1st, 1994 and Forrest Gump came out July 6th, 1994.

I was named after my great, great grandfather who was named Forrest, and he was named after his father, and so on and so forth.

I actually really hated my name growing up. Back then the movie was more popular and just about everyone had seen it, whereas nowadays it's referenced less and less upon hearing my name, so some of you younger folk may not exactly get this. As a child whenever issues would arise it would be the #1 thing that I would get teased with or made fun of for, so it became a bit of a sore spot for me. Add in the fact that whenever I would meet someone new they would almost always greet me with "like Forrest Gump?" or proceed to recite their favorite line from the movie (which was often "Run Forrest Run!" or "Life is like a box of chocolates") I grew to actually really loathe my name and on several occasions my mom apologized to me and offered to get me a legal name change (my middle and last name could also also work as viable first names) but I declined. Over time I grew comfortable with the fact that people who would greet me with some dumb joke about my name weren't trying to be mean or rude, but just didn't think that I've literally heard every possible joke that there is to make at least a million times before. I suppose this helped me start to realize a few things in life about how intentions behind words matter and that you shouldn't demonize people who mean well (though one should always strive to think about their actions instead of just trying to mean well and hope for the best) and that in fights, people will always try to pick at what they think your weak spot is to hurt you. Never let your guard down.
almost 7 years

bonk says

jack says

women. your thoughts?

I'm here to bonk n grind baby

perfect response
deletedalmost 7 years

jack says

women. your thoughts?

I'm here to bonk n grind baby
deletedalmost 7 years

ImDory says

Name all the games that u play it can be from any platforms

I don't have any consoles so all games that I play are strictly PC. I also don't really play too many games these days, I used to play tons of DotA, Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, and Hearthstone (all at different time periods obviously).

Right now I mostly play Epicmafia, occasionally Hearthstone and my friend has gotten me to download Oldschool Runescape so I'm giving that a go.

I do watch plenty of games on Twitch though. My favorite to view right now is probably Fortnite, I absolutely love the aesthetics of the graphics and the fast-paced gameplay mixed with the construction. It makes the action really fun to watch and gives players a ton of creative ways to battle outside of just shooting guns.

I also had a game catch my eye the other night so I might pick it up. It's called Kingdoms and Castles, here's the link:
almost 7 years
i would like an opinion

and a tag

i think im deserving of a tag after all these YEARS
deletedalmost 7 years

Lelmoo says

do you enjoy playing big brother or survivor more and why? :)

Right now I'd probably say survivor.

I'm pretty new to actually playing the game and have had no real experience or exposure to either before playing. I've only ever seen a single episode of survivor and that was YEARS ago. With that being said I find the dynamics of survivor a bit more interesting and more fulfilling. In Big Brother, at least in my experience, there's not as much strategy or alliance making/theorizing involved and instead it's almost entirely based upon your social game and ability to schmooze people up which just seems really fake and a bit blegh to me without strategy involved. That's not to say I don't enjoy Big Brother, I just think I enjoy Survivor more because the tribes/teams add another dimension to the gameplay.

(Note - I am still very much a novice so I could be totally off the mark with the judgment, you are more than welcome to share your own judgments with reasoning as to why I'm wrong, I'd love to hear them)
deletedalmost 7 years
may i have an opinion

also, do you like to read? what genre of books do you usually like?
deletedalmost 7 years

HighSpace says

What is your opinion on golf?

I love playing golf, but not a fan of watching it. All the men in my family are big golf players and still play pretty regularly (weekly normally). I used to play a bit when I was younger but was never good at all, so most of my time was spent just chatting and eating clubhouse hotdogs while watching my cousin play. He was a semi-professional and played for his university's team, but decided to give up his professional golf dreams because he got married and they were planning on having kids.
deletedalmost 7 years

arisuu says

what's your fav black mirror episode? :o

also what are your opinions on me

1. Fifteen Million Merits -

I had to think about this one a bit because there were a few episodes that I really loved (shoutout to Nosedive - and if I had to say why I loved it so much it would be because of the parallels drawn between media and the media in the show. It's a bit sickening how how the society looks up to those glorified by media (be it social media, TV, internet, what have you) are often a bit sleazy or not of the highest moral fiber and instead get there solely because of their looks. Celebrity worship is pretty bad for everyone involved and is a a huge factor in today's depression among the youth due to younger persons comparing themselves to what they think they have to look like, or stack up against in order to be 'successful'.

2. Truth be told I don't really know you too well. I think you're very nice and easy to get along with from what I've seen and interacting with you myself, but you also have a very bright competitive fire burning inside of you, much like myself. I've never seen you not go all-out for any competition you've been in and I admire that, but I also think that you need to work a bit on not taking things so personally when they don't go your way. I've also heard tales of you being quite charming and fun to be around so I hope that we can play a game or something together in the future!
deletedalmost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

1. Tag me
2. Nail polish or no

3.If you could be in a Threesome with anyone from em whod be th third person in it? :)

4. Wtryur opinions on me.
5. Will u em marry one of myalts?
6. Howany qs do I get?

1. tags aren't given away cheaply, the best things in life are earned
2. Yes
3. No one in particular comes to mind because I tend to not really think about anyone here sexually, so I'll just go with whoever volunteers can have a go.

4. I think you're very energetic, creative, and have a youthful spirit about you. Sometimes that youthful energy can rub people the wrong way though and you can be a bit naive to how you come across or why people might get frustrated with you, and then your means of handling that is often poor from what I've seen. If I was to give you any singular piece of advice it would be to stop thinking that people hate you or are out to get you if they've said a singular negative thing about you ever. I've had negative experiences with plenty of my friends, but part of maturing is learning that not everyone is perfect and that you have to accept and learn from the fact that people will sometimes do things that make you unhappy. Learning to cope, and communicate with them properly without making things worse is a very important skill.

5. Sure, I have tons of alts that are single, just send a love request here:

6. As many as you'd like but if you go overboard I may give less thoughtful answers
almost 7 years
Whats your positive but true opinions of me?

and your negative but true opinions of me?
deletedalmost 7 years

FFSierraDamnThomas says

what do you do for work? or alternatively what are you studying in college, etc. : )

I'm job hunting right now, and also daytrade/swingtrade
almost 7 years
r u forrest gump or is there a different reason 4 the name??@
almost 7 years
women. your thoughts?
almost 7 years
Name all the games that u play it can be from any platforms
almost 7 years
do you enjoy playing big brother or survivor more and why? :)
almost 7 years
What is your opinion on golf?
deletedalmost 7 years
what's your fav black mirror episode? :o

also what are your opinions on me
almost 7 years
1. Tag me
2. Nail polish or no

3.If you could be in a Threesome with anyone from em whod be th third person in it? :)

4. Wtryur opinions on me.
5. Will u em marry one of myalts?
6. Howany qs do I get?
almost 7 years
what do you do for work? or alternatively what are you studying in college, etc. : )
deletedalmost 7 years

XFire1994 says

What's your music taste like?

here's a playlist I made earlier this year of a few songs to listen to while I work out
almost 7 years
What's your music taste like?