
part of  family

Just be and let be.

deletedabout 14 years
Ah, I love watching movies! My goal this summer was to watch a lot of old ones, but so far I've only seen recent ones. But I lovelovelove horror movies! My mom didn't scrapbook when I was little, but she made the most insane baby book, haha! She seriously wrote down every single thing I did, and everytime I read it, it makes me want to make one for my kids too! And sadly I don't have a favorite movie...what's yours?
about 14 years
now you made me want subway ;_;
about 14 years
those sandwiches are to small. Maybe if you made me a scooby doo style sandwich we can work this out. :')
about 14 years
about 14 years
Wait, what?
deletedabout 14 years
Thanks for the snow, haah! :) Yes, I knoww, the things we have in common seem to never stop! Ah, Carowinds is like this famous amusement park (for the people in sc) that is on the border of south carolina and north carolina! They have all these amazing rides, and I love it soo much! I love waterparks, even though I haven't been to one in three years ): I want to start a scrapbook soo bad!
deletedabout 14 years
xD thanks!
deletedabout 14 years
Yes please, haha :) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE THE FEELING OF CHRISTMAS! Like, all the lights, the christmas songs, the specials going on television, ahh! <3 Omg, in South Carolina it NEVER snows, like EVER. But this previous winter it snowed three times! Everyone was like "WHERE DID IT COME FROM?!" I was sooo happy! It snowed like a TOTAL of 15 inches (not that much at all compared to most people) and i was in love with snow <3 I love amusement parks! Have you ever been to Carowinds?
deletedabout 14 years
plussed for nice
about 14 years
Dear anniebanannie,I don't really know how to tell you this,You whore for karma. I think I realized it When I quoted pocky With Bamfcalle and Matt55 and I saw you Sit on RedCoyote. I'm sure you're Open enough to understand How awful you are. I'm returning The ring you sent me, but I'll keep Your photo with the mustache drawn on it as a memory. You should also know that I Hate your cooking and you should stop what youe'r doing right now.
Adios ;_;<3, spaghetticowboy!
PS. How could you!? ;_;
about 14 years
Nope, must keep mah sekret
deletedabout 14 years
and omg, i've been going to myrtle beach every year of my life since i was two years old. i love it so freaking much.
deletedabout 14 years
AHHHH! no, i didnt get hurt, luckily haah! My friend was going WAAAY over the speed limit, and I was in the very back of the jetski, and i stopped hanging on to fix my nails (im such a girl) and i fell off and tried to hang onto the back, but she was going too fast! it's a miracle i didn't get hit by the motor, ha! OMG, YOU'VE BEEN TO CALIFORNIA? I AM SO JEALOUS UGHHH. IT'S ON MY TOP FIVE LIST OF PLACES I NEED TO GO. NEW YORK CITY IS NUMBER ONE! AND I LOVE QUOTING MEAN GIRLS! "Four for you glen coco! You go glen coco!" :P Ahhh, I got Lucy three years ago! She's a scottish terrier, and probably the laziest dog ever! But she barks at anything that moves - including ants...(: AND EVERYTIME ME AND MY FRIENDS PLAY ROCKBAND, I ALWAYS CLAIM THE SINGER OR THE DRUMMER.
about 14 years
omg lies ><

flattering lies though :D
about 14 years
getting high and having a starvation for sex if u know what i mean
deletedabout 14 years
OMG, HERE IN COLUMBIA (SOUTH CAROLINA) WE HAVE LAKE MURRAY, AND TUBING IS MY FAVORITE ACTIVITY EVERY. I FELL OFF A JET-SKI ONCE! o: and yesss i love road trips! the farthest i've been out of state is maryland, though. I LOVE APPLES TO APPLES!
about 14 years
It would require you to realize that I'm not the terrible person you made me out to be.
deletedabout 14 years
TYVM! I WILL +K YOU TOO, WHEN I'M ALLOWED! (: omg, you like boating?
deletedabout 14 years
I love your name too! And me and my friends are OBSESSED with fist pumping, haha. (: Well, I was originally born in Baltimore, Maryland, but we moved down to Greenville when I was about 9 months So maybe about 10-11 years! I absolutely loveddd it! Downtown Greenville was probably my favorite place ever! And both my parents grew up in Greenville, so they knew a lot of people there too! I'm still in South Carolina now, but like three years ago we moved down to Columbia :/ It's amazing here too, but it's not Greenville. <3
deletedabout 14 years