
part of  family

Just be and let be.

deletedabout 14 years
I'll wait!
about 14 years
hey if you're still online let me know so we can play together
deletedabout 14 years
Hey, are you interested in whining more?
deletedabout 14 years
OMG HI i took a quiz on em "what em player are u" and i got u :DDDD
about 14 years
I've been doing pretty well. I've been really busy. What about you?
deletedabout 14 years
+k for awesome
about 14 years
Haha, not a huge fan of the song xD Dino jr's first album was amazing, rest of it is downloadable, but im not in love with :O xD. But yeah, the video was epic xD
about 14 years
lmao i dont find it a work out song :S but okay XD. And haha, i downloaded the video, it makes me laugh every time XD. And oookay will do :O
about 14 years
wow i'm really late at replying but i do have msn! [email protected]
about 14 years
ILY MORE <3 hehehe.
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
i am supposed to work until 5ish tomorrow, anytime after that is great
about 14 years
I came back a week or 2 ago. I didn't know if you still played
about 14 years

Okay so im on a music downloading spree riiiight. And i download my tunes from youtube now, so I was like hmm.. what else do i need and i was like OMG i dont have hey soul sister by train yet, i mind as well download it. and have you seen the music video? ROFL. At the beginning theres the band right, and it goes up to this bad ass guy whos bald and got like the biker glasses and shit, and then hes playing a uke xD. I burst out laughing rofl
deletedabout 14 years
no problemo! we should set a time to both get online and play
about 14 years
Noope xD Amanda's up at Sauble atm
about 14 years
hey, long time no see. congrats on being most helpful. we should play again some time.
about 14 years
-K for being awarded free points
about 14 years
"Annie01 awarded 30 tokens for being exceptionally nice!" wtf. conspiracy =P
about 14 years