
part of  family

Just be and let be.

over 14 years
Tats has been pretty good! I miss playing with you, i feel like it has been forever! hope you are doing well :)
over 14 years
Just took my last final, so yeah. :D
over 14 years
i know!!!! i been busy busy busy! i've started getting into aussie football here lately and been to my first game last week and going to another this week heheh apart from working 6 days a week and doing to odd thing in my spare time that's about it really... what about u!? how have u been?
over 14 years
I know!
deletedover 14 years
it's ok annie you were not the only naive one
over 14 years
well that's good news. I have a bit more free time this summer so hopefully I'll see you around.
over 14 years
*runs away* Where have you been? D: I haven't seen you on msn lately
over 14 years
there is no charge at all. i have unlimited texts. can't wait to hear from you, i've been on msn sparingly and haven't seen you
over 14 years
Lmfao sorry xD. I was kind of high last night and I promised my friend Mellisa I would quit.. And then I did it and she was there.. So I got really like emotional I guess and then I got even more emotional about this other stuff. And I guess it was a really sad night for me xD I'm okay now though. Lmfao sorry <33
deletedover 14 years
LOL wait till you get the finale of the season that just aired.
it was so good. lol
over 14 years
Oh thanx <3
deletedover 14 years
Hey! I'm getting better, and better!! Seem to be winning more at least! I haven't gotten to play with you in a long time... i'm sad...
over 14 years
well we hardly ever play, im sure if we did... :P
over 14 years
oh hai -k cuz u have too many blue pixels D:
over 14 years
I'm me :D
over 14 years
Hey annie, it's josh.. i missed you on msn tonight D:. I'm going through like a crisis right now.. just thought it'd be nice to talk with you on msn as my cellphone isn't working and I can't really talk with my normal friends. But yeah you're not on. Sorry for moping haha. Ttys <333333333333
over 14 years
hi. i'm more or less back at em now but i haven't seen you :/
over 14 years

Could you go there and + me, and then - anyone else? I'd really appreciate it.
deletedover 14 years
Hey buddy!! I can evidentally be given karma b/c someone gave me a -k and then someone was trolling and i yelled at them so they gave me -k too!! Great way to find out huh?? lol
deletedover 14 years
you still on? wanna get a game?