
part of  family

Just be and let be.

over 14 years
Hey annie. I'm unhappy again =(. I just had such a cool weekend but Amanda/the end of the weekend just screwed me over. Now i'm overworked, sad and stressed out. Just thought it'd be cool to talk to you tonight :). I have a lot of stories from this weekend xD. But yeah, I'll ttyl hopefully <33
deletedover 14 years
:D yay!
deletedover 14 years
Hey are you online? I want to play a game or two with you!
deletedover 14 years
you know me... trust me...
deletedover 14 years
i miss you!! and you should probably accept the friend request...
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
ahahah, aightt. :] AND OFC YOU'RE GLAD. Just kidding. I just felt like being conceited for a moment. It was fun <3
over 14 years
I LIED. I just figured it out(:
over 14 years
HEHEH, so I don't know how to play the game. :3
over 14 years
Argh, that's a crying shame, I can't add her on myspace because the email addy I have isn't the one she uses it seems. And she hasn't been on facebook again for ages :/
over 14 years
Shame :/ I miss her and I want to know how's she's doing with her..well, 'condition' if you get what I mean. Is there anyway for me to contact her?
over 14 years
lol yeah its a YMCA camp. I start there sunday @_@ I hopefully will be working with the horses and/or petting zoo they have there, so much funs :D
over 14 years
omfg epic post!!!! i'll have to read it all at home later and give u a nice decent reply <3
over 14 years
You're officially the most popular player now since I left. Gratz! You should play more competitive though XD
deletedover 14 years
what do you mean? D:
over 14 years
btw make sure you read my first post first as the one below this is the continuation :) hahaha
over 14 years
"get yourself stupidly drunk and make a fool of yourself" so i guess that job will go to me for the evening! hahaha - are you guys having hens nights for your weddings? what are you doing? my last friends hens night we organised we hired an awesome 3 bed unit in the city and got a stripper and played games and stuff. Butttttt the bride never made it out... she was too drunk so it ended up me and my mate heading out and getting ridiculously smashed... was a good night tho, even if the bride wasnt there! hahaha omg i attacked your wall... sorry... once i start talking... its hard to shut me up! hahahah where are you going road tripping? i really really wanna head to the states for a year or something and just do that - road trip all around! that would be so great!
over 14 years
oh lol no i dont play! hahahahahah it's like national competition! heheheh all boys - and most of them are like 19-23. AND THEY WEAR SHORT SHORTS! some are *so* hot lol can u see why i got into it so quick ;) hahah yeah this week it's full car detail on the line and i really don't want to have to clean my housemates stinky car! :( aww that does sound wonderful for a wedding! it's far too hot to get married in summer here :) it actually only JUST started getting cold and winter starts officially TODAY! hahah but im still in short sleeves and a skirt as it's warm outside in the sun! ahh i love Brisbane :D My sister is 31. She lives in melbourne but is coming back to bris for the wedding so it's involved LOTS of trips to melbourne (which is fine coz i LOVE melbourne) haha but makes it hard to oragnise things when we are states apart! i have to organise the hens night and i have NO IDEA what to do! haha she is a real girly girl and doesnt really get into the whole - crap new post
over 14 years
Lmao wow xD
over 14 years
Way to stalk my chats :P And ookay xD