if you went to your maman's funeral, would you cry?
already answered. u tried to entrap me with mowgli's lyrics and u try to entrap me with camus reference but i don't reply in kind (viz., with stale references)
anonymousover 11 years
If your mother died, would you cry at her funeral?
Dude I was just looking out for a bro but know what? War has just been declared on this little state of irmananriam and Muslimsisms are against you for you the next 1000 millenimiums.
i want to make my avatar this cool guy named jean. but i can't find any cool avatars of this cool guy named jean.
deletedabout 11 years
Hey peta just thought you should know that your posts read pretty cool when tripping on acid. Felt like I was reading a script writer's carefully worded responses.