


XMFD AT THIS GAME HTF DID THE TOWN WIN LOL http://www.epicmafia.com/game/65740

okay this was tense http://www.epicmafia.com/game/79466

about 14 years
Hey, I +2k'd you, please return when you can :)
about 14 years
+k good job on getting mafia, just fail town :(
about 14 years
-k for picking all the maf then dying.
about 14 years
+K, cuz I'm going to guess you didn't deserve that neg in the posts ;)
about 14 years
+k for the neg
about 14 years
Was fun, returned.
about 14 years
+k for what you said
about 14 years
Good hammer! You should have more faith in your playing ability. You correctly identified all 3 mafia!
1) Prime as the fake cop
2) Wheniwas as the fake doc
3) Mna in the 3 way lylo

Well played, +k
about 14 years
+k ;)!! return if ya want!
about 14 years
Returned. Gj.
deletedabout 14 years
Oh, just because he got negbombed.
about 14 years
+Ked for good playing
about 14 years
\m/ Ò_ó \m/
about 14 years
plus K :D
deletedabout 14 years
Did you neg HSaxon for last game?
over 14 years
+k for good game and for getting -k from teh LMAO
over 14 years
+k return
over 14 years
excuse me!!! you were the one who negged ME
over 14 years
thats because you didnt claim!!! dont go negging me for that kind of reason WHO ASKED YOU NOT TO CLAIM WHEN YOU GET TARGETED HUH WHO CARES IF IT OUTS YOU and thats what you get for not believing i was legit :P
over 14 years
Thanks... sigh; fuckheads like that really ruin it for those of us who just want a good game. I don't even care that much about winning - I'm happy to lose a game to good playing. Everybody else in the game was playing well, and that POS made it un-fun. :/ I posted about him in the troll / cheater thread; feel free to add.