

Just going to school, ya know, doin my thing.

I got a few negs recently. Don't be a pussy. Tell me why you are negging me. I'm not going to neg you back unless I have a reason to. Please don't be ridiculous.

Also, please leave me a note if you +K me. Just because you give me karma does not mean that you should expect to get it back. I only give karma where it is deserved and i don't ask for it.

Don't think Thomas is badass? Suck on this.

And this.

Best game ever? I think so.

almost 14 years
I didn't give you -7. I gave you -2. Would you like more, though? I can give a lot more than -7.
almost 14 years
Negged for trolling.
almost 14 years
I can has invitation to your family? :D
almost 14 years
fine, -k returned then. I actually did nothing you can -k me for. If you have a solid reason, tell me.
almost 14 years
tom, the quote wasn't "negbomb joleen" it was "joleen, vote now". So please remove your neg as it was obviously not me who failed the game. I asked for more time, you denied it - so I just went randomly.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k asdfg.
almost 14 years
Weren't we gonna test your setup?
almost 14 years
;) yo yo yo
almost 14 years
+k for being a cool guy lol
deletedalmost 14 years
+karma, excellent guising (3 times in one game)
about 14 years
plus 2 for you and I haven't seen that cartoon in forever
deletedabout 14 years
=k for kute yak thread xD
about 14 years
+k for nice game as mafia :)
about 14 years
+K for epic maf win. I figured the scummier I got you would be more town. I was right. xD
about 14 years
+K for being beasty maf
deletedabout 14 years
+k for awesome yakked bp claiming tracker :D
about 14 years
thanks. returned +k. and I really did get negged lmao. for using a bad tactic? yeah my tactic was so bad that it won us the game. they're just mad because they lost. I hate grudge negs.
deletedabout 14 years
thank you :D returned
deletedabout 14 years
choo choo
about 14 years
DO YOU HAVE MESSENGER? and i have no idea what has happened. i think i'm being possessed or something.