

I am Long John Ranger, the Perfect Mastertroll, destined to Discover Pokemon.

I am not a gnome.

over 11 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
deletedalmost 12 years
+k for being awesome
over 12 years
Would you be interested in joining my family?
over 12 years
Somebody else using the name of a fairly popular character/class isn't exactly 'stealing'.
over 12 years
I just ran into another "blackmage" someone stole your username and got away with it...
deletedalmost 13 years
Plus k for being a good player. What is this mess under here ? Looks like my inspiration for my name. I love EM .
about 13 years
(1) The strategy almost always works for me unless the people I'm playing with are too closed-minded to understand my methods. I have a good sense for peoples' reactions, which while not infallible, is fairly accurate. I just need to get people TO react to something first. (2) You used 'threw' instead of 'through'. (3) You're right. It's really hard to convince idiots they're idiots. I've been trying to convince you for three days now.
about 13 years
Obviously I threw the game, any mod with a brain would know that. But I am fine with throwing the game if it means not following something as stupid as that reaction test. I am not defending myself from throwing the game, I am trying to convince you that you are an idiot. Of course, convincing an idiot that s/he is an idiot takes a lot of work, and quite frankly I don't think you're smart enough to realize your own idiocy. So, I'm done trying to convince you. And don't get it threw your head that some how you "won" this argument, because you were arguing something that I had already accepted, and I was trying to explain to you that you are an idiot. But, maybe I was doing a poor job so I'll say it out front for a final time. You did a stupid thing, and because you defend that stupid thing you are an idiot. The act of committing a stupid thing does not make you stupid, its the defending of that act as something it isn't. I hope you become smarter and remember, God blesses the weak.
about 13 years As depicted here, you continued to throw the game after I stated that it was a reaction test, not a coin/dice flip. You acknowledged it as such. Thus, even after knowing that I did not break the rules, you chose to break them yourself by losing the game on purpose and not lynching your cc. All arguments on your side from this point forward are you defending your breach of rules with nothing but opinions, and are therefore null. Good game.
about 13 years
I told you afterwards ingame that I did not flip a coin, and you still refused to listen. Lucid posted on front page that play styles are not against the rules in training. Reaction tests are a play style. Gamethrowing, however, IS against the rules. So allow me to make a slight change to your interpretation: I am about to win game, you throw the game, I rage.
about 13 years
Alright maybe you just don't understand.
You told me you flipped a coin.
That means I thought you flipped coin.
You flipping a coin is both A. Against the rules. And B. Incredibly stupid.
So, why would I follow something that is both against the rules and incredibly stupid.
Yes i know NOW that you didn't flip a coin, but from what you told me, you flipped a coin. And I only know what you tell me.

As a recap: You did stupid thing, I didn't follow stupid thing, you rage.
about 13 years
Chicken, I explained this once, I will explain this again. I DID NOT FLIP A COIN. It was a REACTION TEST. There. Was. No. Coin.
I was seeing how each of you reacted to it. And until you started being an idiot, I had the mafia figured out. Unfortunately, you wouldn't listen to that ingame. Read over some of my games my games, I do this often to see how people act, so chances are if I play any ranked games you'll see it. It's not always right, but it gives something to go off of. Great job breaking it, hero.
about 13 years
To my knowledge you were using a random number generator (General term for flipping a coin or 2 sided die or whatever) which is against the rules. Not only is it against the rules it is also incredibly dumb to base something like this on luck. So had i followed your idiocy I would have been encouraging rule breaking. And have you ever heard the phrase "a broken clock is right twice a day."? If not, it means that occasionally something that has a low likely hood of working will eventually work. So yes you we're right, but you were still using stupid tactics and trying to persuade me into following them is quite simply an act unjustifiable in any way shape or form.
about 13 years
Yet in the end, chicken, if you had followed me we would have won. Instead you chose to throw the game. So clearly whatever I was doing was working up until your idiocy.
about 13 years
Even a mod agrees with me that what you did was stupid. I'm right
deletedabout 13 years
-k for acting clinically retarded in-game and causing us to lose.
about 13 years
about 13 years
Oh yes, I always know I won't be able to finish a game when I join it -.-
about 13 years
>get negged for winning an unranked match, by the one who suspected me all along and then foses the save of both docs
about 13 years
I really wish I could neg your right now. Thanks so much for listening and NOT letting that sui be added to my stats.