
part of  family

A futon cannot lie. It is only a futon.

If you would like to know if the futon is sided with the village or the mafia, simply ask for a "futon-report."

To doubt the word of the futon is called a "futon-trap", and usually results in a failure for the town.

Please, just sit back and relax.

RIP. Couch has been banned.

"Never forget who we are. We are furniture. We are immortal."

NEG PEOPLE FOR FURNITURE JUSTICE: Nails, Germatron, Shaadow, jepstein30, obscure, vegetaahahmoostache(or some random troll name)

deletedover 13 years
+k because you followed my instruction
over 13 years
+K. =)
deletedover 13 years
Futons CAN NOT lie. he is just a futon. lol
over 13 years
Futons are comfy. I like futons. A futon cannot lie. :)
over 13 years
Hi! nice avi!!
over 13 years
The below advice was originally spaced as different paragraphs, but it seems the formatting was squished together after being submitted. I apologize.

Anyway, keep up the good work, Futon. Stick with it. Play in unranked games as well as ranked. The more you play, the more players you will interact with, and soon you will be playing with people who shall trust your reports and use them to the advantage of the town. Trust your fellow players to trust you, and you shall succeed.
over 13 years
I have read through your games, Futon, and I shall impart some wisdom from what I have learned myself as a couch.

1. Do not force upon people your report. Give the furniture report only when others ask. Giving the report without being asked for it appears suspicious to those who do not understand our way.

2. Remain impartial at all times, regardless of being town or mafia. Your job is to make sure everybody has a comfortable and enjoyable game, that is all. Remember to be friendly and polite to everyone.

3. Offer comfortable seating during the pre-game. Many become impatient as they wait for more players to arrive. Keep everybody relaxed during this time for a pleasant game.

4. Remind the potential doctor to attend to you during the pre-game. We, as furniture, are a benefit to the town, regardless of role. You will spend many games as a dead futon, for we are often destroyed during the first night.

5. Never lie. Ever. If ever you lie, even once, you are forever ruined.
over 13 years