
part of  family

A futon cannot lie. It is only a futon.

If you would like to know if the futon is sided with the village or the mafia, simply ask for a "futon-report."

To doubt the word of the futon is called a "futon-trap", and usually results in a failure for the town.

Please, just sit back and relax.

RIP. Couch has been banned.

"Never forget who we are. We are furniture. We are immortal."

NEG PEOPLE FOR FURNITURE JUSTICE: Nails, Germatron, Shaadow, jepstein30, obscure, vegetaahahmoostache(or some random troll name)

over 13 years
Woah, some guy with 3-6 alts is negging me all day long...
deletedover 13 years
I like couch better.
over 13 years
To lose 2 times because of trolls and 2 other times because of mafia is NOT funny.
over 13 years
Also, if you neg the futon; explain yourself.
deletedover 13 years
I can post on walls finally. It was a pleasure to play with you the other day, and an even greater honor to join in the company of such beautiful and exquisite articles of furniture on EpicMafia.
over 13 years
And you should also play a lot more unranked in the training lobby.
over 13 years
You're right, sometimes I lose touch with my furniture side and get angry at people. Thanks for keeping me grounded.
over 13 years
Do not forget to be polite, though your last games are funny as hell.
over 13 years
Nevermind, Futon. It looks like you need 1000 points to be in a family. Keep working on winning! (But don't lie to do so.)
over 13 years
I have created a family for us, though I cannot find any button to send an invitation. Is there a way you can submit an application or something?
over 13 years
What Virgil said. :P
over 13 years
I refuse to believe you and Couch are separate entities. You are, at the very least, the perfect soulmates. I befriend you both!
over 13 years
omg dude ur sooo cool! whats the futon-report? lol funnyyy!!!! i will def. +k you when i get the points!!! love ya couch..lolol!!
deletedover 13 years
you refuse to listen you are only refusing your true self D:
over 13 years
Back off of my Futon, imagination. We furniture are bringing trust and honesty back into this game.
deletedover 13 years
I poured my heart into that speech please listen to me :( I believe in you!
over 13 years
Dude, why so serious?
deletedover 13 years
Futon listen to my proclamation, this is a plea, a cry to all furniture like yourself.
You are not just a futon! No! you are more than what someone made you to be. Granted you are an excellent futon, but think. You could be so much more than just a Futon! You could be a humble villager , a Cop, Even a Doctor! ... even a Mafia. Yes it is true, Futon you can be whoever you want to be. Break free from this oppressor who keeps your legs firmly rooted to the cold floor. run free and dont look back to the darkness of your old ways, You can be a hero. You miss Futon all the joy this game has to offer, for you are not truly playing. just sitting idly by. Being used! abused! You dont have to tell the truth anymore. Lie to those who seat their hard filthy hairy ass's against your crumpled face and say: I AM MORE THAN JUST A FUTON
deletedover 13 years
I will not lose because of a freaking futon! K- and I have never K- before feel special
over 13 years
I have attained 2000 points, and so my first karma goes to my pupil, Futon.