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Why you suck

almost 10 years

post here to be personally attacked and insulted in one harrowing post. no nice things here, except maybe a dismissive "at least" at the end

almost 10 years

Rutab says

I think it's complete BS to invalidate someone's beliefs because they're a "straight cis-gendered white male"., js.

i love this post
almost 10 years

Fidelis says

k. Try me

i think you know well-enough that you're often cold and withdrawn. you're often defeatist too, and while i can't really argue with the things that cause such behavior, it has a way of pushing people away from you. at least you're trustworthy and loyal enough to where that should rarely make a lasting impact on relationships.
deletedalmost 10 years

Goodbar says

Rutab says

frick you goodbar

unfortunately for you, you're the first person with whom i have particularly unpalatable gripes.

i've heard people say good things about you since you've been and stopped being a mod, but i have noticed that you've become unfetchingly image obsessed. when you stepped down and made that huge complaint post i was mad, not only because you were ignorant enough to tell everyone i blazed my genitals in the mod chat, but because you were self important enough to believe you were basically too good and professional for everyone else on the team. and then you went on to make a martyr of yourself by suspending prevail. the reason i admitted to wanting to do the same was because i was disgusted with the self-glorification at the expense of the entire mod team. it was the peak of your self aggrandizing, and you deserved no respect at all for it.

you may have grown up a bit on this website, everyone does that, but it was tragic to see you take yourself too seriously forum-wise. at least you have toned done on that a lot since you've been done modding.

john goodbar made this post because rutab stole his thunder by suspending preval first, hth
deletedalmost 10 years
ive seen you're weiner
almost 10 years

itg321 says

me pls

i think you have an exaggerated personality in games/on the forums. for the fun of it? idk. it's obnoxious sometimes. i think you've admitted to it more or less, but it is what it is. at least then you're probably more decent to talk to one on one
almost 10 years

ArieI says

be mean to me banana boy

you're one of those people whose motivations are strongly influenced by those you consider friends. those who aren't get treated much less fortunately. it's hyperbole to suggest you're an outright **** to everyone you don't like, but there's a noticeable disparity in how you treat people. at least that means you're simply a good friend
almost 10 years
Man. If there's anything this thread has taught me, it's that I suck.
almost 10 years
almost 10 years

thebrontosaurus says

i'm excited.

for someone with the kind of reputation you've made for yourself, you could certainly be much worse. however i do see you carry that as a weight and use it to justify a burden on yourself that you shouldn't have. i think because people look up to you, you tend to place a lot of responsibility on the things you do or opinions you give on this website. granted, it isn't arrogance, but it's still self-importance, and now that you're not an admin it isn't something that is particularly good for you. at least with that all said you are far from the kind of douchebag that self-importance normally breeds.
almost 10 years

runwithfire says


oh katherine, you are a hopeless romantic. you're not quite sure what you want, and in the end, it nips you too much in the butt. you flirt with chaos, and its often what you get. somehow you manage to a lot of people off though thankfully we've never had such miserable encounters. at least you're a far more likeable person than your epicmafia and love track record would suggest.
deletedalmost 10 years
insult threads are very pase now.
deletedalmost 10 years
Go for it johnny
almost 10 years

gennehfarrxD says

edgy as heck
u got the paranoia blues. chill girl, at least you have access to all the best candies
almost 10 years
this sounds like fun
almost 10 years

ling says


you seem like two different people when i see you on epicmafia and when we talk on skype, but i barely notice the former anymore. you suck cuz you ignore me sometimes and i get sad, cuz you're there but you're not always THERE. and even though i constantly take poops on you, i need to be noticed and loved. at least someday, you'll buy me a lobster tail
almost 10 years

Connor says

i thought this was "tell u why u suck" not "tell u why u sucked 6 months ago"

well you still suck at pokemon i'd imagine
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years

jackattack123 says

ba na na

you're a nice dude, and nice dudes are naive. well not always, but you are sometimes. it shows when you and caroline flirt and sometimes i feel compelled to grab the neck of my shirt and grimace. you are not the first and not the last to have awkward interactions with your love thing on, but currently you could be the most eyebrow-raising because it's hard to peruse the forums and not see your big 10 grazing her posts. at least this relationship is just blooming, so you have an excuse of sorts.
almost 10 years
i thought this was "tell u why u suck" not "tell u why u sucked 6 months ago"
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years

Lashka says

Oh damn

i've had a history of disliking you but i don't think i ever really disliked you as a whole. you've had a history of being stubbornly arrogant and letting your emotions run too wild. after all you famously plunged this site into the neopian age of no bad words because of your disagreements with arcbell. there is a lot of eye-raising lore about you, and i'm not sure entirely what is true, what's not true, what's been exaggerated, and even what you might be hiding. often controversial, but at least never too definitively terrible, and your friends seem to trust you.
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years

bell says

banana man

mmm you suck because...i don't have anything to say that sucks about you. perhaps i just need to dig deep into the ugliness within you, i know you suck, i'm just not sure what beyond the obvious
almost 10 years
if i don't get "because your gay" i'm not going to like it
deletedalmost 10 years
i ate the last pudding cup