
part of  family

Man up and comment for +/- karma.

10k points 10/25/10 100+karma 10/27/10 150+karma 1/4/2011

Back 2 years later. Where all my friends go D:


2 / 20He's Batman
1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
almost 14 years
LOL, I know! I love it. x_x
deletedalmost 14 years
+k from jesswhite!
almost 14 years
+K for good play.

almost 14 years
Haha, thanks. Most people on here call me Jeze. No worries :)
almost 14 years
Oh your kidding me -,-" Can't wait until I get 100+ karma. I know who to blame then >:)
almost 14 years
Like I said. This argument has been a joke. No offence to both of us. 你是中国人 我抱歉. Leave my karma. I've always wanted to be below 100. If need be I'll recruit you to get it above 90. I'll go back to what I was supposed to do if there was no argument.
almost 14 years
5 rules. Rule 4 is negated by rule 5. Negation is equivalent to a spot. Not being polite when you change the propaganda from what originally happened to what you think has happened. Basic rundown: I'm butthurt from being killed N2. (Because I never live past N3) You react from my threatless rant which was meant to be humorous by negging me. We have a massive argument trying to pin flaws in the oppositions case through meta means. I.e. Crappy maths, crappy propaganda, lack of humanitarian doings checking out each other's biographies and make fun of those. Pretty time and effort consuming.
almost 14 years
Go do the maths. 2 accounts. This and an alt. I had an alt that negged you. -1k. I +2k you before this incident. -3k. Do the maths. -4k. Your probably American judging by your spelling and stupidity. 4 does not equal 7. I made it 5 to make your maths look better. "because i beat you and your comments. " Like I said. Everyone is arrogant. That's showing.
almost 14 years
Anyway their rules I play by. What's that got to do with you? "Oh and your rules.. they arent really rules as they cant be followed, but i did read them as i afforded you the benefit of the doubt."
almost 14 years
-7k? I only gave you -5k? Everyone's butthurt. It's a cycle. How do you know I wasn't joking. "I will fucking neg you" Yep I'm serious about that, I rarely swear. After the day I was going to +6k you because I recently made an alt and I already +kd you from this one. Pity you took my humour seriously. You started the negging, I replied back. If you didn't start anything I wouldn't have retaliated. Swap off of 12 karma for 5. That's pretty fair since all I really wanted was abit of humour. Don't deny your arrogant. Everyone is arrogant at some point in life. Ciao
almost 14 years
"and my win condition is to win for maf...which i did o.o i had a lot of respect for you before this, but i guess i misjudged a good player"

(Shrugs) I never disagreed with your win condition. I do disagree with your strategy. Your playing for your points. What's the difference between negating your self an excellent game, to an easy game? There's a major difference. You don't learn from an easy game, I can't learn when I get killed N2. I've never had any respect for anyone. So 2 things. Immaturity for negging me back. Being rude about the whole situation. I was going to leave it if you do read my rules, I was raging not being serious until my negs started rapping up.
almost 14 years
(Shrugs) I said I don't care about karma, never did, never will. I work hard to play these games, I work hard as town not to die before N3, it's never happened ever. If I get past to N3, it's never. It's because no one wants to play good old fashioned EpicMafia. Instead everyone goes all greedy for points and their win condition. My win condition is to win for town. Not to die before N3.
almost 14 years
(Shrugs) You ruined my win/loss % ratio. It's really low because of people like you
almost 14 years
ohhhhhh i read it as not to mention *I* express a strange obsession - bwahahah ignore me... lolol i realise what u said after...
almost 14 years
Great player, +k ^_^
almost 14 years
hahah thanks :) errr... that's not u outside my window is it? :P jokes! :)
deletedalmost 14 years
returned - gg and good night!
almost 14 years
Just upset that dumb kick made me look scum. Sorry mang. +k for being cool though
almost 14 years
+K cuz I think you're awesome
deletedalmost 14 years
Thanks, I don't know what else I could have done, but it was an interesting last day. Maybe next time lol.