
part of  family

I rarely use contractions. I happen to be a grammar nazi. Caps, punctuation, etc. I speak well.

I am an extremely aggressive townie and die n1 ALOT.

I speak FLUENT french, with some latin, russian, german, and spanish in the mix.

My identical twin brother is also an EM player... and only the elite get to know who.

I once tried to guise as Tonkster due to a horrible maf partner. I was then bussed by said partner for no reason. Tonks is now my heroine for being the only other person I have encountered who is so impossible to guise as.

to be negged- titiboo gadothelion pizzalover9999936 nethshady PrimeInteIIect

to be plussed- gryffindor h2ojr1

Undecided: kneegrow

over 14 years
You're a good player.
over 14 years
Meh, I +k'd you. I was indeed setup. It was bad enough that the doc died. I should have suspected the cop when you said NV but I did not give thought to it.
deletedover 14 years
thanks for believing me :D i swear to god it wasnt me :) i dont veg like that. :)
over 14 years
Yes I did sui in a ranked game - I called the doc save as mafia and he set me up and the town jumped on me for being set up.
Fuck yourselves.
deletedover 14 years
ugh that wasnt me. my brother was on it and did it deliberately. i didnt realise until it was too late. sorry it wasnt me. look at my stats. i dont veg. it wasnt me on my account!
deletedover 14 years
Don't listen to leg fan, lol. He cant even neg you, he doesnt have freaking 2000 points.
over 14 years
+k for parlez bien! ;)
over 14 years
- K for being a poor player.
deletedover 14 years
I don't get it. You mad?
over 14 years
Great game!! +2k mate :)
over 14 years
+K for friendslist
over 14 years
+2k return please (:
over 14 years
thanks, i sure will
over 14 years
Thanks, +k to you also for some good games.
over 14 years
+k back
deletedover 14 years
Aw, fair enough. If either of my accounts makes it to 2,000 points then I'll plus you up.
deletedover 14 years
Haha, my part consisted of getting guised on night one as a power role, but all right.
over 14 years
Everyone who negged me for this game can go rectally penetrate themselves. I'm proud that two of you manned up and left comments, though.
Also, now I know, thanks douchebags.
over 14 years
Vig does not shoot n1 in that setup, if you hit stalker it removes a heart with no points, thanks for screwing everyone over asshole.
over 14 years