
part of  family

I rarely use contractions. I happen to be a grammar nazi. Caps, punctuation, etc. I speak well.

I am an extremely aggressive townie and die n1 ALOT.

I speak FLUENT french, with some latin, russian, german, and spanish in the mix.

My identical twin brother is also an EM player... and only the elite get to know who.

I once tried to guise as Tonkster due to a horrible maf partner. I was then bussed by said partner for no reason. Tonks is now my heroine for being the only other person I have encountered who is so impossible to guise as.

to be negged- titiboo gadothelion pizzalover9999936 nethshady PrimeInteIIect

to be plussed- gryffindor h2ojr1

Undecided: kneegrow

deletedover 14 years
Why do you always -k people?? FUCKTARD
over 14 years
deletedover 14 years
plus 4 k, please return to this and my alts, genesimmons, tommythayer, paulstanley, and ericsinger.
over 14 years
+2k for the offer, and should we need a 5th man I'll call on you
over 14 years
tl;dr QQ
over 14 years
Thanks :3
over 14 years
Thank you :)
over 14 years
also I was on your nuts because you were scum.
over 14 years
Thanks for the +k, and sorry that it took so long that game >_<
over 14 years
Neg returned. Obv accidental suicide was obv. You're just mad I got you lynched as the janitor.
over 14 years
I saw you at -3, so I tried to fix it, but it went to -1.
over 14 years
Another -2? Wow.
over 14 years
Another -2? Pussies!
over 14 years
Darceem negged me :( even after my mafia win?
deletedover 14 years
-K. Thanks for the easy win though.
over 14 years
-k for being a fucktwat, how's that
over 14 years
Who keeps negging me? Please be adults and comment.
deletedover 14 years
-k for cheating
deletedover 14 years
The "noob" was guised by Issa, and you cost yourself that by being so scummy. Your cc is mafia, they can't 'maybe' be town, even if they might be. That just looks like a scumslip. Don't be mad at me cuz you failed.
over 14 years
2k for u please return!