
part of  family

I rarely use contractions. I happen to be a grammar nazi. Caps, punctuation, etc. I speak well.

I am an extremely aggressive townie and die n1 ALOT.

I speak FLUENT french, with some latin, russian, german, and spanish in the mix.

My identical twin brother is also an EM player... and only the elite get to know who.

I once tried to guise as Tonkster due to a horrible maf partner. I was then bussed by said partner for no reason. Tonks is now my heroine for being the only other person I have encountered who is so impossible to guise as.

to be negged- titiboo gadothelion pizzalover9999936 nethshady PrimeInteIIect

to be plussed- gryffindor h2ojr1

Undecided: kneegrow

deletedover 14 years
thx, will return when i hit 2k
over 14 years
I left before the vote started bro
over 14 years
If I had left during a lynch on me it wouldn't have gone unranked and you wouldn't care imo
over 14 years
I don't care about the karma. Why's your ass so fragile?
over 14 years
wasn't a hissy fit you read too much into the words bro. The dude was annoying xD
over 14 years
I, too will survive. Glad you obviously care enough to leave a feeble insult.
over 14 years
It was accidental. Returned.
over 14 years
lol, i just saw your comment now. sorry buddy, i was sort of a noob, i didn't really understand how the system worked or karma or anything like that. didn't really understand what typing the report backwards would accomplish though
over 14 years
Wait, when did I suicide over a bad lynch? I honestly don't recall this. I honestly apologize for this mistake on part. It was unintentional, and by all means, the last thing I want is to be labeled a scummy player.
over 14 years
+k back at ya
deletedover 14 years
I actually vegged, not suicided. Sorry about that
over 14 years
I don't even remember, man. Stop being fat and get over it
deletedover 14 years
Lol yeah. It was a good game though. Returned
over 14 years
+K returned.
over 14 years
Nothing about what he did was awesome. Performing his role in no way makes him awesome. He is a terrible player, and so are you.
over 14 years
Was accidental dude, I posted on the lobby bout it. (tnx for not just negging)
over 14 years
It's all good man, no hard feelings. I actually had class in like 10 minutes anyways and wouldn't have been able to stay whole game.
deletedover 14 years
Enjoy the 100k celebration!
over 14 years
+K for epic. sorry for the bad luck LOL
over 14 years
apc ftw